°New Faces°

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Everyone began scrambling, sprinting, and running into what looks like a city. I'll have to write down details later, because this fake city is amazingly accurate. I got bumped into by a few, and decided to cast a little magic to make me intangible. It's a fun feeling, being intangible. I'll have to work on this spell though, since it's not quite easy. I began running into the fake city, seeing quite a few robots, which had gotten destroyed immediately. I decided to go right, since for some reason, most were going left. I ran, running into a few different pointers, and using my fight training over the years to completely dismantle them. I'm glad I pent up my anger from all those years. This helps a lot. "Rrraaaahhh!!!" I yelled rather loudly, ripping the head off of one. So far, in the span if 2 minutes, I've gathered about 43 points. That's pretty good with the time we have. I continued long and hard. Thankfully, I didn't run into anyone here. I mean, there are people, but they are quite a bit aways, fighting for their points. Respectable. It's amazing to see all these new faces, fighting for what they want. Just like me. I continued fighting, growling, and such, until something big came that could make anyone scream. Well, except me. My (m/d) is scarier when they are mad. I looked up to the height of this  robot. This was the 0 pointer robot? Well, they certainly tried, I'll admit. They somewhat succeeded too, since many around me screamed and ran. I decided to go to it. I wanted a better look at it, before I leave like we are supposed to. Running, and levitating a bit. I decided just to levitate instead. I've scanned the new faces around me. Specifically a light tan, ash blonde guy with ruby orbs. I like the color of his eyes. I noticed a girl with long green hair, tied in the back with a green bow. She had the appearance of a frog. I like frogs. Another girl with pink skin, and hair. Her eyes were pretty, white the yellow iris, and black scleria. Then, I stopped running and noticing things, when I looked up. I looked up just in time to see a green haired boy from what I could tell, punching the 0 pointer right in the robotic face. His arm turned a light purple color, obviously the purple being a giant bruise that came immediately after. He must have punched steel if it's that bad. The robot falls, and so does he. I don't know why, but I decided not to do a thing as he fell. I didn't have my usual gut feeling, so that means he's safe. I watch him fall, all the way until he almost meets the ground. This pink aura surrounds him, and its now that I notice a brown haired girl with brown eyes sticking out her hand towards him. She looks like she's about to throw up, so I grabbed a big nearby rock, punching it in the middle a couple of times, and making it into a bowl form. That hurt quite a lot, but it's for someone else. I handed it to the girl, who happily obligated, and turned around, throwing up in it. The green haired boy looked up, and I noticed his green eyes that matched. Like emerald. No, that's too used. It looked like...grass! No, maybe that's an insult...oh well, they're green. I was quite nervous in the presence of anyone else. I sighed for a moment, noticing that he broke not only his arm, but nearly everything else as well. I gently picked him up, as well as the brown haired girl, both surprised at the action, but oh well. I walked them to the front, and handed them off to the nurses. Before they could say anything, I just ran off. I didn't bother looking at the point board. I just decided to levitate home, adlfter grabbing my things from the roof. Enjoying the breath I have after a bit of an exam. Written exams are finished. Physical exams are finished. 'Let's hope it goes well.' I thought to myself, before landing on my doorstep, and unlocking the door, stepping inside.

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