○One Step At A Time○

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Beep beep beep





Beep beep beep





For seven days straight, you sort of worried your parents and sibling. All you did for seven days was what you planned to do to make sure you're absolutely ready.

Beep beep beep




They watched you, supporting you with a few worrisome thoughts. But this is what you wanted to do, and they supported you none the less. They knew you, and how you would be careful, and approach this one step at a time. Finally, exam day came, and the routine started, but didn't finish.

Beep beep beep

Beep beep beep

Beep bee- smack

I groaned slightly, groggily smacking the alarm clock next to me. I sat up, and sighed. A small, content smile on my face.

'Well,' I thought to myself. 'Guess it's time for the next step. What I've been training for.'
I smiled to myself before standing up, swaggering towards the bathroom. Thankfully, your sibling and your parent in the house is sleeping. The other parent had been hired at a lovely cafe that served it all. I knew it was a good job, too, since my senses told me, and they come home happy every day, unlike when they worked at McDonald's. They are also a good cook, baker, and just overall a good food expert, so it's a job that suits them well. I smiled happy, yet tiredly, sleep still in my eyes, as I brushed my teeth, and combed my (h/l/c). I look better than usual today. Must be a good day. I decided to just wear something suitable for me. (Sweatpants/leggings), and (t-shirt/tanktop.) Both are in my two favorite colors, too. I wore plain black (sneakers/flats) as well to finish the whole ensemble. The colors make me smile softly as I looked in the mirror.
"Well...here goes nothing..." I whispered to myself, before grabbing my small (f/animal) backpack, putting my phone, pads, deodorant, and keys in the bag. I put on my (beanie/cap) with (f/a) ears on it, making me smile softly. What can I say? I really am a fan of (f/a).
"I'm off my loving familyyy!!! Byeee!" I said as you quickly left the door, a piece of toast in my mouth, and not exactly wanting to interact with the family. The mouthwash made the piece of toast taste a bit off, but I just shrugged it off. Oh well. It took about 5 minutes, me mainly conjuring a spell, allowing me to fly there. I smiled to myself, the magic I learned making me happy. I always liked flying over the city. It's more like levitating, but I like to consider it flying. Basically the same thing. Thankfully, my humble abode wasn't far from my destination. I look down, seeing many of the kids around my age, muscles tensing a bit. New people aren't my thing to put it simply. I can handle it, I always have, it's just...very very awkward. I look down, taking my descend to the roof of the building, and looking down, waiting for people to rush inside. There's many people there...all wanting to join UA. That's a lot of people, all with the same dream. To become a hero. All different reasons, but all the same dream. It's nice actually. Like a gathering of similar interests. Well, that's kind of what it is. Finally, after what seemed to be a little too long, not many people were out, as they headed to the doors. I jumped down from th rooftop, using a little levitation magic in the end to keep me from hurting myself. A few people looked shocked at the sudden arrival, but I couldn't really tell for sure, as I kept my head down, rushing to the doors. I felt eyes, as I took one of the remaining seats, which were in the back luckily. I sat down next to a guy who's quirk I couldn't really tell, and the one girl on the other side had horns. Demon. Or some form of that. Oh well. I looked to the front just in time to see a hero I didn't quite recognize. I only really knew of a few heroes, and I didn't exactly study all of the heroes here. Dang. It's alright. He's louder than a tornados wind though, blasting through mine and everyone's ears with a bubbly voice. Kind of reminded you of an older version of (Si/n).
"HEEELLLOOOO THEREEEE!!! WHOS HAPPY TO BE HERE TODAYYYY?!?!" He boomed, pointing a finger to the group, only to be met with silence, and even a few glares. The man's beaming smile falters, before mumbling to himself. "A lively group..." He puts on a larger, beaming grin as he goes back to booming like a speaker at a concert. "Anyways, this rodeo is simple! You are going to fight 1, 2, and 3 pointers! Stack up as many points as you can!-" "Sir! I have a question!" A blue haired student with some nice glasses rose his hand rather formally. I couldn't help, but chuckle softly at this, but not enough to alert him. The man turns to the indigo haired boy, almost sweat dropping at the formality, but one the less, gave him the signal to continue. "You say there are only up to three point robots, yet the packet we have here clearly says there is a fourth. You haven't mentioned this particular robot, and if this is a mistake, then UA should have done better!" Is what he said, or along the lines of that. You were mainly focused on the green haired boy who was mumbling near him. You were trying to figure out exactly what he was mumbling about. After a second though, it seemed your thoughts also because the indigo haired boys peeve, as he pointed out afterwards. "You, with the green hair! Stop mumbling, your distracting the rest of us." You hear a small 'sorry' before the blue haired guy sits back down. The instructions continued, until it was time to go to the designated area. Long story short, you had to fight 3 kinds of robots, dodge 1, and had to rack up as many points as you could. Lovely. You stretch, levitating to a rooftop to place your bag down, making sure it stays safe. You take a small sip of (f/d) in a refreshing bottle, as you look down. It's almost time. You set your drink down, and jump off the roof, landing in between a few people, not hurting them in the process. They let out gasps of surprise, but you didn't react. At least not externally. Internally, attention of any kind made you feel all tingly, and nervous. You had other ways of letting out your nerves. Like fidgeting with your fingers, or shifting from one foot to the other. Soon, the alarm blares, signalling everyone that it's time to go

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