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Well, today became quite painful in a sense...I currently sit on the provided bed in Recovery Girl's office. Why, you ask? Well...


I ran through the halls after Bakugou, who had his sights set on Midoryia, and had no intent of stopping whatever he was doing. I ran, weaving through the halls, as his footsteps led me closer to him. I, even with the sound of thumping, had lost him though. I ran around for quite a bit, ending up finding Midoryia. My mistake though? I ran to him, and in front of him. He wasn't focused on me though, since he jumped to the side. When I turned around...

"Girly, you need to pay attention! You could have seriously damaged yourself, beyond my repair!" Recovery Girl had yelled at me, seemingly holding back the urge to beat me with a magazine, just like Edna Mode from The Incredibles did to Mrs. Incredible. I don't blame her, I stupidly walked into range of fire, and bam. "I'm sorry, Recovery Girl...I wasn't thinking, I just..." "No excuses, Girly. I know you just wanted to help that boy, but you still must keep your guard up in any battle, even training." She replied more softly now. I simply nodded, and laid down, as she kissed my forehead, and I felt relief come over me  immediately. Sleep eventually creeped over me, as I heard a last comment. "Goodnight, (Y/n), have some good rest.""

Flashback End

So, as i wake up,  the question comes...why did Recovery Girl call me (Y/n)? Yes, it's my name, but...usually you have to give permission to use your first name here, and...I don't remember her, or giving her permission? I don't have a problem, I'm just confused...I can probably think over this at nigh-

"Hey." A rough, gravelly voice spoke in the silence. I opened my eyes, looking over to the right. In the chair beside the bed, Bakugou sat in the chair, slouching more than it seemed physically possible. His legs spread wide, one arm resting on the armrest, and his cheek on his palm. In the other hand, his phone, which lit up his eyes as he scrolled. I stayed quiet for a bit, before speaking softly. "Hi..." He didn't exactly expect a response, but he just shrugged it off, sitting up, and placing his phone on the table. He rested his elbows on his knees, his hands dangling towards the ground. He looked over to you, before speaking again. "How did it feel getting blasted...?" He asked, with a rude tone, but at this point, I think that's just his normal. I looked at him, confused why he would ask a question like that. I wanted to snap at him.

'OH you know, feels like fucking butterflies tickling you. What do you fucking think? It hurt like a bitch, your so lucky I don't-'

"It hurts...but it's not the worst pain I've been through..." I responded, leaning back onto the bed, and looking at the ceiling. There's was a long moment of silence, before I heard a chair creaking, and then footsteps. The door slid open, and although I didn't see, he stopped for a moment. "Hey uh..." He spoke softer now. "Yeah...?" I asked quietly, looking at him. He seemed to have a softer look, but as if he knew, he looked back to the hallway. "Watch out next time, dumbass..." And with that, he walked out of the door. I stared at the door dumbfounded. Well, that just happened. I just laid back down, going back to sleep.

☆Bakugou's Point Of View☆

'What the fuck am I doing? I'm currently walking towards her room. I had gotten yelled at by all the fucks in class to go apologize. They may be right...what am I thinking, I can't show weakness...' I had an internal conflict with myself, sometimes turning to walk away from her direction, but turning back. 'This is so fucking stupid...' I stood outside her door, after the fight to here. I'm already here, should I just turn back? Fuck no...yes...no...goddammit! Fuck it. I slammed the door open, fixing to speak, but noticed she was sound asleep. Fuck man...I'm just gonna leave...I went to turn around, only to see Recovery Girl. She scowled, seemingly knowing why I was here, and seemed to figure out I was here to apologize. She pointed to the chair silently, before turning and walking back to whatever she was doing. I sighed, scowling myself, before going over to the chair. I just sat down, not caring about how, and grabbing my phone. I honestly have nothing better to do, and I'm not gonna play a game, till later. I guess I'll just...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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