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"Yes...everyone has limits..." I said rather softly, responding to the blondes question. "Please, it's not that awesome that some damn random bitch can write good English. Anyone can do it with proper learning. Jesus, you damn extras..." Bakugou said rudely. I do agree with him, though. It really isn't that amazing. "I'll have to agree with him...it really isn't that amazing..." I said softly, not wanting to make anyone do... anything, I suppose. They sat back down, understanding. The ash blonde was taken aback. Did someone actually agree with him? Or even took his side? Usually, even if he is right, people fight back. He wasn't used to that. "Damn right I'm right..." He didn't want to seem off, but he spoke softly. He did almost crack a small smile, but he thought it would make him look weak. The teacher began teaching, you guessed it, English! It was boring, to say the least, since I already knew English pretty well. It is my first language, after all. Thankfully, after a while, or what seemed like it, class ended. Quickly, it became the next class, and then the next, and soon enough, you guessed it! Lunch! How wonderful! I quickly got up, and put my things in my bag. As everyone left, I didn't realize that one person lingered. I felt my hat get snatched from my head, and looked up into a pair of bright red eyes. "Heya, (Y/n)! Wanna sit with me?" Kirishima beamed, handing me my hat back, as I put it on my head. I thought about it for a minute, but smiled softly. "I-I guess...sure..." I said rather softly, nodding. Kirishimas smile seemed to get brighter, as he looked at me. "Great!" I finished putting my things in my bag, as he watched. After I finished, I placed my bag on my back, looking at him. He seen you were ready, and you two began walking to the cafeteria. "You know, it was manly when you agreed with Bakugou! People usually don't admit to being wrong!" He said with a smile. I smiled softly back. "Manly...? I mean...I guess it's a good thing..." Before he could respond, Mina jumped in front of you both, deciding to follow you two. "Your humbleness is making me weak! You gotta take a little pride, you know?" Mina said a little too dramatically, but it's alright. "How can I find pride in just saying that I agree with someone...?" I asked, completely oblivious to how they saw this. Kirishima stepped in. "It's not that, it's the fact you agreed with him that you were wrong! Therefore, you admitted to being wrong-" "Which is something most people could never do!" Mina interjected, and beamed. I thought over it for a second, before shaking my head, and shrugging. Mina, and Kirishima both let out a dramatic sigh. Mina dramatically placing her arm over your shoulder. "You are hopeless, you cinnamon roll. You and Midoriya are gonna end up being the cinnamon rolls we'll have to protect." Kirishima spoke dramatically, doing the same thing Mina is doing on the other side. "Your humbleness, obliviousness and kindness is blinding." I simply chuckled, continuing to walk with them. I might get used to this after all. Kirishima, and Mina decided to drag you to a table, making you sit down. On your left, was the ash blonde. On your right was Kirishima. In front of you was Mina, on Minas left, was the blonde who you later learned to be Denki, and on Minas right was a boy with black hair, whom you still have yet to know the name of. Mina smiled. "Sooo, how's everyone doing today? Specifically you, Sero, you look tired?" She turned to the boy with black hair, as he just groans and shrugs. "Bakugou hit me in the stomach..." "Damn right I did! You didn't shut up when I asked you to, you dumbass!" Bakugou interjected, pointing his chopsticks and who you learned to be Sero. I quietly opened my ramen, eating my noodles silently. This group was quite lively, weren't they? The taste of the noodles made me smile, letting out a nearly silent sigh, as I wiggled into my seat slightly. Eyes closed, and just enjoying the flavor. Everyone at the table stopped eating, turning to look at me. I opened my eyes, seeing this, and looking confused, as I cowered in my seat a little. I thought I did something wrong, until Mina spoke. "Did you just wiggle into your seat?! That was so cute! You're like a little (f/a)!" Sero and Denki awed as well, Kirishima giggling slightly at my response. "Shut up, and eat. Leave the damn (f/a) alone." Bakugou saved you yet again, as they sweatdropped, and began eating. They mainly talked about their quirks and all, leaving you alone. Thank God, the attention for today was already a lot. I continued eating my noodles, listening to the group silently.

Bakugou was thinking in his head. You were a complete mystery. A complete wonder, not really sharing much unless you've been asked to answer that question. While these idiots are over here, revealing things about them, such as their weaknesses, and everything, you sit quiet. Right next to him, obtaining information, but not giving any out. He could tell you had bad anxiety as well. That's one of the reasons why he's saved your ass twice today. But the other reasons, he isn't sure of yet. He'll have to learn more later, whether you crack open and spill, or he'll research somehow. This continued on for bit, before the cafeteria suddenly filled with a horrid noise. An alarm. An intruder alarm to be exact. Everyone in the room began panicking, darting out of the room as fast as they could.

I froze with fear, as I wasn't sure what to do. Everyone was running, and it was hard to see, or even move. I stood up, which was a wrong move, as I was pulled away from my group of people. A couple shouts from the table I was at were heard, calling my name, but I couldn't go back. I was shoved, and shoved, and shoved, until I made it to a window. I seen that it was just the press outside, but before my thoughts were interrupted. "Oof-" both me, and the guy behind me said. I was currently pinned against the window, and a rather warm guy behind me. He spoke to himself mainly, but his gravelly voice was recognized as Bakugous. "This was over the stupid press...? Goddammit..." He growled lowly. Shivers were sent down my spine at his growl. It was honestly scarier than the situation at hand. But the growl sent another feeling right down my throat, and I'm not sure what. "Don't worry, and keep your nerves down, you idiot...it's gonna be over soon, and you can calm down...I can feel you shaking..." He spoke directly in my ear, causing me to tense up at his words. Was I really shaking? How did he know about my nerves so quickly? Wait, that's a stupid question, I've been acting awkward...plus the shaking...Oh well, calm down, it's okay...he said to calm down, so maybe I should. Another grunt came from both of us, as he was shoved into my back even harder, my face smashed against the window. This is a really awkward situation, and it's really hard to calm down in this situation. Suddenly, everyone heard a 'whoosh' and then a 'smack'. Everyone at least attempted to turn towards the smack, as they listened in. "Everyone calm down! It's just the press! There's no need for panic!" The indigo haired boy in my class spoke loud and clear for everyone to hear. The shoving, and pushing stopped, and everyone took a sigh of relief. It took a minute to get out of such an awkward position, but after the hall was clear, both of us got off the window, dusting ourselves off, and taking in a breath that was needed. I felt like my lungs were going to pop after getting squeezed into the window that hard. Bakugou sighed, and dusted himself off. "Thank you..." I said softly to him. He turned to me, a small look of confusion on his usually angry scowling face. "Why the hell are you thanking me, (f/a)?" He asked, his voice confused, but sounding angry like usual. "I didn't get to thank you...you saved me twice today, and just now...so thank you..." I responded, looking at my shoes, and fidgeting my thumbs. "Yeah, yeah, your welcome...don't make it sappy, you stupid (f/a)..." He said, brushing it off. In all honesty, he's happy that someone thanked his actions, but he wouldn't admit it. He walked to class silently, I was following him in pursuit. Well, not pursuit, but you know what I mean. Lunch was over, and it was time for our next class. I didn't exactly have any idea what class would be next, and I've decided it's better as a surprise.

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