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Walking back to the well recognized room, I took a seat in my desk, smiling to myself. 'Hopefully this class will be a bit more fun...' Thinking to myself, but thankfully not aloud. The classmates filed into the room, discussing what just happened. Oh well, it's just talk. Some were mad, and some were happy that it was just the press. Even a few of them stated that it didn't quite sit well with them to me, but I just nodded with a small smile. Everyone had taken their seats, and waited for their teacher. "I wonder who this classes teacher is going to be..." Kirishima said mumbling, but it was quite loud as well, up for discussion. "Who do you think it's going to be?" Kirishima turned to me, asking curiously with a small smile. "I haven't been here long, so I'm not sure..."  I said in quiet response, until we heard something from the door. A tall, masculine man, most likely in his 40s from the looks of it had came in through the door. "I am here...coming through the door like a normal person!" The tall man exclaimed. Just then, cheers erupted from the room, yelling about someone named All Might, who I just assumed was the tall guy. Since he seemed made of muscle anyway. I was quite confused, asking a question of which would give the class mixed feelings. "Who is...All Might...?" The class shut their mouths abruptly upon hearing such a question. They turned to me silently, awaiting to hear either an excuse or response for asking such an abomination of a question. "I uh...I'm from America, remember...? I don't exactly study heroes, or watch them...or know about many..." I spoke softly, hoping that would clear such tense air. All Might wore a large smile, and looked down to your sitting figure. "That's quite okay! I'm the Symbol of Peace, young (l/n)! All Might himself! America doesn't quite give an excuse for not knowing, if I'm honest, but if you just don't study them or just don't know them, that's okay!" I looked at him with an unsure look. He says it's okay, yet everyone seems to be looking at me like I'm deranged, and/or feral just for not knowing him. I looked to the rest of the class, speaking quietly, mainly to myself, but it was out loud, and the silence of the room allowed the sound to get to everyone. "I am sorry if not knowing the...Symbol of Peace has offended you all..." I was quiet, and a little sad. The looks made me think quite negatively... The looks of the classmates changed from looking like something feral arrived, to surprised. Mina was the first to speak up, gently patting my back. "No, no! We were just surprised, don't apologize for something like that! All it really means is...you got a lot to learn about the heroes." She said with a slight chuckle. The others nodded, agreeing with her as well. The teacher Interjected though. "While that may be true, it can't interrupt the now! Today we're are learning...The Heroics! Basics first, of course." He said with, I shit you not, the brightest smile I think anyone could make. It's almost blinding. Almost. Everyone seemed to cheer for the lesson, and waited for instructions. "Change into these, and meet me outside! Then the fun will begin. Remember, a hero isn't all a hero without their costume!" He spoke brightly, the cubbies in the wall ejecting with the push of a button. Everyone hopped up immediately, ready to change into their hero costume. Since magic was a thing I used most, I kind of went for something witchy?

(Definitely not my best drawing, but it's what I have for you to have an idea.)

Well, I didn't exactly have anything more interesting than witch, don't judge me. I mainly asked for a black one piece suit with sleeves, and a neck that goes all the way up. The sleeves also have an interesting glove piece, since that's where I mainly conjure up some magic. It's kind of like fingerless gloves,  but the middle finger goes half way, has a crystal attached to it, and the glove finishes off with small cloth on the tip of my middle finger. It doesnt have any legs to the suit, mainly for free will on moving. It also has combat boots, but they made it a little fancier. I asked for (f/c) combat boots, and they gave me that, but also gold soles on the bottom of my boots. It looks good, but I can tell it's real gold, which tends to be a bit heavier. Don't ask me how they did that. Around my belly button, there is a diamond cut, and two golden ropes that go around my waist, connecting to the ends of the diamond. Crystals of all colors dangle from the gold ropes. Finally, for the witch look, a witch hat. It had a couple of gold hoops on the very tip of the hat, as well as a white pearl moon. It's very pretty to look at, thats for sure. The hat is also (f/c), matching my boots. I also left my hair down, since, well. It's too much to actually do my hair. I test out a small spell, making sparkles appear, which also means my costume works. I walked over to the mirror, feeling down the sides of my suit. 'It's a bit tight, but its silky smooth...I think...I think I like it...' I thought, as I smiled to myself. Soon enough, I went to join the rest of the group outside. "Ooooh~ Nice suit, (L/n)!" Mina said, and cat-called, getting the attention of many. Eyes were on me, and I felt myself slowly getting nervous under the pressure, which wasn't helped when...- "Looking good, (L/n)!" The invisible quirk girl yelled along with Uraraka, and a few of the guys even saying things. Including the now known pervert of the class. "Your suit shows every nice curve of your body, (L/n)! Amazing choice, and taste!" The rotten grape says aloud, making grabbing motions towards...well, you know...before he could do a thing though, I closed my eyes, looking away, and swayed my hand towards him, using magic. A little wind magic to blow him back. What I thought was a little though, winded up blowing him into the blonde from earlier, who I learned was Denki. I ended up knocking the two down anyways, which Denki thought Mineta was trying to start something. "Why are you attacking me, shorty?! I got volts, ya know! Don't start a fight with someone who you can't finish off!" Bakugo then intervened. "Calm down, dumbass. (L/n) threw him into you by accident. You better speak for yourself, the purple ass has a chance at kicking your dense ass." He finished, huffing, and turning to me. His eyes widened a bit, seeing the suit, before coughing slightly, and turning away. 'Maybe the costume was too much...?' I ended up thinking to myself. The attention was a bit. Then again, I should have thought, since the costume is a bit revealing on the leg part...then again, I also thought covering the arms a bit would make up for that...oh well. "Alright, are we all here? Let's get started!" All Might beamed, clasping his enlarged hands together. "I'll be drawing these, after picking your teams for you!" A few groans were heard, seeing as nobody could pick their partners. I didn't see a pointing picking partners yet though, considering that we haven't been here that long. My thoughts were interrupted, when I heard my name, and  my partners name. "(L/n), Bakugo, and I suppose we'll say Iida! Well make this the only team of three though, to get the odd number out. Iida smiled, and walked over to me. "Well do our best, right (L/n)?" I responded with a nod, which was shortly cut off with a huffing Bakugo walking next to me. Apparently too close, since his shoulder had bumped into mine. He didn't bother to move though, so the feeling of his shoulder stayed on mine. I shuddered a bit. A natural instinct that I have activate when someone is too close to my back, or has their eyes on me. It's saved me from many kidnappings though, so I appreciate the small blessing. "The teams have now been picked, now just to pick who will go against whom!" The big man beamed, beginning to pull out spheres with letters. We have been given the team letter 'D', so well have to listen for- "Team A, and Team D." Well, that was fast. I heard a loud growl, and a huff come from the tall blonde next to me, as I looked to who we would be going against. Uraraka, and Midoriya. I have seen both in action, so we might need to strategies. Both have compatible quirks, and could work together rather easy. I'm not quite sure of my own teammates quirks though, but I've made an assumption on indigo haired boy, since there are engines in his legs. If that's his quirk, I never want to think how his quirk came. Or if he had it since birth. If that's the case, I felt bad for his mom who had to birth him- either way I feel bad though, since it must've hurt if his engines came through his calves at a young age- "(L/n)! We're going now!" Iida had spoken, slightly poking my shoulder politely. "R-Right! I'm sorry!" I spoke softly, following the two. We were going first. And this was gonna be scary...and maybe a little disasterous...I could feel tension in the air, and on top of that, were inexperienced kids...yes, this is going to be an absolute mess. And a big mess that's going to shine in my mind for a long while.

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