Story 1 - akian: "Memorial Promise's"

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!!Child AU!!
- Akian for Aida82486

- Daycare -
(Little Akito's POV)
{little Akito, little an, little ichika, girl- Osaku Hinamora}

"An-chan I'm home!"

Me and An were playing house together with our friends, me and An were the mommy and daddy and Ichika and Osaku were our kids!

"Hi aki-kun!! Me and the kids are just eating dinner! Ice cream and watermelon!"

"Waaahh! Mama I want more watermelon!"

"Osaku! I'm pregnant, remember? Get your own watermelon!"

"Whaaaaaa!! Why can't Ichi get it?"

"Because! I'm doing my work." Ichika was sitting at the makeshift table which was a few cardboard boxes, she had a crayon and a piece of paper with scribbles on it in front of her.

"Now ichika, get your little sister watermelon."

"No I'm busy."

"But I'm pregnant! Akitooo!! Tell them their playing this wrong! The kids are supposed to be nice to each other!"

"Hey! Play this right. An-chan gets to choose stuff."

"Your not being fair! Shiraishi always is the boss and you take her side!"

"No I don't!" Yeah, of course I do but that's because I like An best.

"YES YOU DO!! Now either we can make rules too or me and ichika are leaving and you can play by yourself."


"Fine! But your missing out because me and Akito-kun are going to have so much more fun! Your gonna be so bored by yourselves."

"Yeah! We can play house by ourselves."

"Fine. Let's go Ichi-chan."

Me and an watched as they walked away.

"Hmph! Well they're gonna have such a boring time and we're gonna have so much fun right Aki-kun? Now lets get back to playing." An exclaimed, her ponytail bouncing.

"Okay. Let's start."

"Aki what should we name our new baby?"

"Let's name him Akane! I've always liked that name."

"Okay! Akane it is."

A little while passed and me and An happily played House together, we were having a great time together.

- A few hours later
(Little An's POV)
{an, akito, Honami}

"Aki Im bored, let's go draw okay?"


Me and Akito went to the drawing table together, there were markers and paper. Honami was sitting there drawing.

"Hi Hona-chan!"

"Oh, hi Shiraishi and Shinonome! wanna colour with me?"

"Yeah!" Me and Akito sat down and took some paper and markers.

"What are you colouring Shiraishi-chan?"

"I'm drawing some flowers and me as a princess. What about you Hona-chan?"

"I'm colouring in these colouring pages of food."

"Woah! Your so good at colouring Hona-chan! Can you show me how to colour it like that?"

I smiled at Honami, she was nice to me.

"Yeah maybe, what are you colouring Akito-kun?"

"Oh- just some people."

I looked at Akito's drawing, he wasn't very good at it. He drew stick figures one had orange hair and the other had blue hair.

"You can't draw aki! It's just stick figures."

"Hey! Don't be mean An. I think your picture is lovely."

"Your too nice Honami-chan. I know it's a bad picture."

I felt embarrassed, sure it was a bad drawing but I shouldn't have been to mean to aki! I flushed a little bit.

"You okay an-chan? Your face is all red."

"AHHH!!" I covered my face with my hands and Akito laughed.

"Your so silly Shiraishi!"

"Hehe, you too are so cute together, almost as if your dating!"

"NO WERE NOT!?" We both said at the same time

That made Akito blush a little, my face was already red but I felt it grow hotter.

"We can't be boyfriend and girlfriend! We're only 5!"

"Your right, maybe when we're older, like 10 maybe! Then we'll be so big!"

"No no no no! We're not gonna date ever!"

"Yeah! Girls have cooties and are gross! Besides, me and Shiraishi are just friends that's all."

"Uh-huh, your gonna get married one day! And have 30 kids and 2 dogs and a pet giraffe!"



"Sure. Sureeeee."

My face was all flushed and I was flustered, me and Akito!? That would never happen! Not in a million years!

- Outside the Daycare -
(Little Akito's POV)
{Akito, an}

"Aki-kun is Ena-San picking you up today?"

"Mhm. She said she'll be here earlier today." Ena was supposed to pick me up after daycare, but she was usually late. 

"It's so scary that we're going to First year of elementary next year. I hope we're in the same class together."

"Yeah. Me too." I never really thought about that, it just seemed so far away.

"Akito are you going to forget about me? If we ever are in different classes?"

An was starting to tear up, her face scrunched up, it seemed like the idea of getting older scared her.

"An! i swear that i'll never forget you and i'll promise to love you when we are older"

"i promise to never forget either, akito!"

A/N note: hope you enjoyed this silly little akian story, it was short ik but I had no ideas tbh 💀 word count: 850

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