Story 5 - Kanamafu : "A Feeling I've Never Felt Before"

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!!Apocalypse AU!!
- n25 sci-if for hoshihoshiho
- kanamafu for _L3monn_

(Kanade's POV)

Life wasn't always like this. there wasn't always all this fear, this suffering. If I could go back in time to save her I would. But that's impossible.

I remember it all, it was a normal day, nothing special. If only I had a little more time..

- Kanade's room -
{Kanade, Mafuyu, Ena, Mizuki}

"Hehe! Im almost done my next animation!"

"Shut up Amia! Im trying to draw over here "

"Enanan!! Your so annoying sometimes!"

"I could say the same for you."

Me and my music group were talking on nitcord discussing our newest song. We were planning on releasing it sometime this month so we were working as hard as we could.

"Amia, enanan. Please stop talking your both being annoying here."

"SHUT UP MAFUYU!" They both said at the same time, they then started laughing together. 

"Anyways. Tomorrow we should all go shopping together! I found the cutest store just a 30 minute bus ride from here!!"

"That sounds so fun! K and Yuki, you both better come! K, You need to touch grass sometimes."

"Oh. I'll come if you would like me too, Amia."

"I'll come as well."

"Yay!! I love when we all go on outings!"

"I'm coming! See you guys tomorrow!"

"Great! I'll text the address later!"

A few hours after mizuki, ena and Mafuyu logged off Nightcord. I continued on my project after they left.

- Main Street -
(Mizuki's POV)
{mizuki, ena, Mafuyu, kanade}

"Where do you plan on taking us, Mizuki?"

"Lets go to a restaurant! It's my favourite one in the city and I'm sure you guys would love it!"

"Okay. But I have to be home by 7pm or my mother will be upset."

"Sure! We have lots of time then it's only 12. We can go out to eat and then I can show you that store I was talking about last night."

"Lets go to the restaurant, I'm starving!"

Me and my friends began the walk to the restaurant, it was about a 15 minute walk from where we were.

- Restaurant

"Oh! I've been here before! Me and Akito were here a little while ago, they had really good pancakes."

"I'll have to try them! Let's go inside!" I smiled joyfully, the sun was warm and bright and the moment was perfect. I was glad to be spending time with my friends.

We entered the restaurant, found a table and sat down.

"I'm not sure what to order.."

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