Story 6- Akian+Toyahane : "Partner Day, Partner Love."

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!!Akian and Toyahane!!
- Akian and Toyahane double date for @yum1chan

- Kamiyama HS -
(An's POV)
{An, akito, Toya}

I was bored, sitting in class watching the seconds on the clock tick by. Just 3 more minutes and I would be dismissed. I rolled my pencil across the desk with my hands. Finally the bell rang, i picked up my bag and went to go find my friends.

- Hallways

"AKIIIIIII!" I called to Akito, he was walking with Toya in the hallway and I ran to them.

"Hey, An. How was class?" Akito gave me a little kiss on my head, and he took my hand.

"Boring as always. School is so boring! What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing much, me and Toya maybe wanted to hang out today. We're not too sure."

"We should invite Kohane and all four of us should go somewhere! Almost like a double date!" I giggled.

"We could do that. What do you think Akito?"

"Fine by me."

"Yay! I'll call Kohane!"

"I could call her, Shiraishi." Toya said, pulling out his phone.

"Sure." I put my phone back into my pocket. I couldn't wait! This afternoon is going to be so fun!
We went outside and Toya called Kohane, me and Akito stood a few feet behind him.

"We should walk to Kohane's school and pick her up."

"She said yeah, we can go pick her up and head to the mall!"

"Yay! Let's go!"

We walked together to Kohane's school and picked her up, we then went on the bus to the mall.

- Mall -
(Akito's POV)
{Akito, An, Toya, Kohane}

"KOHANEEE!! Come with me!"  An yelled as she took Kohane's hand and ran into a purple store called 'Claires'

"I'm not going into that store-"

"Me and you both. Let's stay out here and see what there up too.." me and Toya waited untill Kohane and An came back from the store An was holding a small bag and Kohane followed.

"Hehe!" Kohane and An giggled, me and Toya were both confused.

"We got you guys presents. Promise you'll put it on?"

"If it's for you, Koko. Then sure."

I swear Toya would do anything for that chick.

"Fine.. what exactly are we agreeing to-?"

"Close your eyes." Said An, me and Toya sat down on a chair and An and Kohane giggled as they touched my hair. 

"What are you doing, Annie?"

"Okay you can open your eyes now!"

Kohane handed me a small compact mirror and I looked into it, they had attached pastel hair clips to mine and Toyas hair.

"No fucking way am I walking around like this."

"Wha- Koko! Why would you do this.."

Toya slowly tried to take out the hair clips

"Hey! you promised!"

"Toyaaa! Keep it in please! Just for today. Look we have them in our hair also, we're all matching! It looks so cute please keep it in."

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