Story 12 - Shihosaki: "If I was Meant to Love, Why You?"

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- shihosaki for amberson122
: Royalty AU :
!!Tw: violence and slight gore!!

- Courtyard -
(Shiho's POV)
{Shiho, Saki}

"Aren't these flowers pretty shi-Chan?"

Saki smiled and showed me a bouquet of freshly picked flowers I smiled back and nodded.

"Yes, you only pick the prettiest flowers your

"Hey! I told you to call me saki, sure you're my personal knight but we don't need to be so formal."

"Hmm alright, if your sure."

Saki smiled and gave me a large hug, she let go after a moment and I noticed her blush a little. I smiled back at her.

"Should we get going then? You need to prepare for tonight don't you."

"I suppose so, can't we stay out a little longer? We still have alot of time you know."

I watched saki turn around and go back to the flowers, she ran her hands through the soft flowers and picked the few she liked best.

"The blossoms are gorgeous at this time of year.."

I crouched down to Saki and looked at the flowers with her, I picked one, a purple iris, and brought it up to my nose.

"They really are, I especially love the irises."

"I like the lilies. Do you know irises symbolize hope and admiration? I read that in a book once."

"Really? That's so cool!"

I laughed a little and stood up, saki stood up as well holding the flowers in her hand. She took an iris and placed it in my hair.

"There! The purple looks so pretty in your hair Shiho!"

My eyes widened a little and then softened, I blushed slightly and let out a small smile.

"Your so sweet Saki, really."

"Your sweet too! Thought you don't show it to most people very often, I know you're just a little sweetheart!!"

I blushed harder at the comment, I didn't know she thought that of me. It was true though, she really brought out the best in me.

- Palace, Saki's Room -
(Saki's POV)
{Saki, Shiho, Maid, Queen}

"Is this dress good your majesty? Your mother gave me a bunch of options for you to choose from."

"Oh- yeah it's good. I'm good with anything."

I sighed, sitting on my bed while my maid picked out clothes and makeup for me. Shiho stood next to me, she was my personal knight and was always on guard making sure I was safe and protected.

The maid handed me the dress, her face still.

"Here, change into this one."

I nodded and took the dress from her, I stepped behind the curtain and struggled to get into the dress.

"Erm.. can I get some help with this dress?"

"I can help you.. if you'd like."

Shiho stepped behind the curtain and helped tie up my corset, her hands pulling at the strings tightly ro secure it onto my body.

"Too tight?"

"No it's perfect, thank you."

I smiled and we both stepped out from behind the curtain I looked into the mirror and gave a slight twirl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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