Story 3- Shizuairi : "Dancing Under the Stage light"

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!!Dancer AU!!

- Ballet Studio -
(Airi's POV)
{Airi, Shizuku, Ballet teacher}

"Posture, please Ms. Momoi."

The ballet teacher, Madame Antoine, was always unfair and rude to me. Sure, I wasn't the best dancer in our ballet class but she had no right to pick on me.

"Ms. Hinomori, good job. You should teach Ms. Momoi a thing or two on posture."


"Anyways, class dismissed. Please collect you things and leave. tomorrow I'll announce the roles for the upcoming performance."

Sounds of excited giggles and chatter filled the room, I sighed it was another performance with me cast as snowflake number 3, just a background dancer. I started to walk towards the locker room.

- Locker room -
{Airi, Shizuku, dancer 1, dancer 2}

"Ha, I doubt her career will go anywhere in dance!"

"Hey- shut up she's right there."

I frowned, I was used to the name calling and bullying from my peers so I looked away and forgot about it.

"Hey Airi! What's up!"

"Nothing much Shizu." I raised my foot onto the bench and started to talk of my ballet shoes.

"Excited for tomorrow? I really can't wait! I wonder what I'll be cast as."

"Probably the lead I bet! Your the best dancer Hinamori."

"For real! Your so good, what's your secret?"

"Uhm- just practice I guess! And never give up!"

"Practice?" I scoffed, "not like you need that anyways."

"What are you talking about Airi?"

"What does everyone say? You were a prodigy at dance since you were a little girl. You don't need any practice, you just waltz up there with a smile on your fucking face and get the lead! While someone like me, who has to actually train to get even decent at ballet!"

"Airi- I didn't mean it like that. I didn't know you felt this way."

"Save your crap for a different day Shizuku. You cant talk about feelings when all your shit was handed to you on a silver platter. Some people actually have to work hard!"

"Looks like someone's jealous. Your just upset that your bad at dance! Leave poor shizuku alone."

"Get lost Airi."

I was pissed, this bitch trying to comfort me!? Sure I was jealous that shizuku was so good but she needed to be put in her place!

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the room, I was done with these fucking brats.

- Dance Studio, the next day -
(Shizuku's POV)
{Shizuku, Airi, dancer 1, dancer 2, Madame Antoine}

"The casting is being shows today! I can't wait!"

Everyone was anxious, many dancers wanted the main role and were nervous to see if they got it or not. I was more concerned about Airi, she seemed really upset yesterday.

"Now girls, please calm down. Here is the casting sheet."

Madame Antoine posted the list, I decided I would go after all the commotion was over.

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