Story 10 - Akiairi: "Love Within the Diner."

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!!AU: American high schoolers, Akito is a Jock and Airi is a Cheerleader!!

- Slapstick Cafe -
(Akito's POV)
{Akito, Airi, Saki}

"Oh! Hi Akito-kun! The usual?"

I smiled sweetly at Airi, "yup! The same as always! A double cheeseburger with fries and a strawberry donut!"

"Got it! Coming right up!"

I smiled and went to sit down waiting for my order, I secretly watched Airi as she continued to take orders at the register. Smiling as I watched her work.

"Y'know she won't magically start dating you if you just stare at her right?" I watched Saki, another waitress, place my order in front of me.

"Shut up! I'm allowed to watch her, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah other then the fact that it's CREEPY and your literally her number one fangirl. I swear you take photos of her and hang em' up in your room or some shit."

"Who's the stalker now? How come you know what my room looks like, huh saki?"

"If your room really looks like that, your insane."

"It was a joke sheesh. Can't a guy have a little fun without someone calling him insane?"

"What a funny joke." Saki smiled and rolled her eyes, "gotta love the dad jokes."

"HEY!? I don't tell dad jokes!"

"Yeah ya do, now I gotta get back to my job and you gotta get back to stalking people, have fun lover boy."

I rolled my eyes, silently praying Airi didn't hear that conversation, I saw she was back in the kitchen thankfully she didn't hear all that...

- Riverford High School, Gym -
(Airi's POV)
{Airi, Minori, Haruka, Shizuku}

"G-O T-E-A-M!! GOO TEAM! Gooo Riverford flamingoes!!!"

I was cheering with my Pom-poms as Minori lead us all, showing us all the steps and cheering. She really had so much energy and was a really nice cheer captain.

"Phew! That was a great run everyone good job! Same tomorrow then? There's a football game pretty soon and we need all the practice we can get!"

"Sounds great Minori! Shall we all go get coffees together?"

"Ooh the Cafe by the school has new drinks! We should all go together!"

"Sure! I'll be there. Airi are you gonna come?"

"Oh I have work tonight! I would love to come but my shift stars in half an hour and I need to change and get ready for it."

"Aw that's too bad. Next time?"

"I'll try!" I smiled at my friends, in all honestly I was glad I had work tonight. I didn't really want to go out with everyone tonight.

"You better come next time! Your always so busy with work and you need to take breaks."

"I know, I know. But with school, work and cheer I literally have no time to do anything!"

"It's fine, now go before your late!"

"Mhm! See you at tomorrows practice." I smiled at Minori greatfully and texted Mizuki if she could drive me to work today.

- Mizuki's car -
{Airi, Mizuki}

"Ugh why'd we have to get the afternoon shift! I'm super busy after school."

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