Story 7 - Mizuena: "Lies Beneath the Petals."

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- Mizuena for Mafufuu
!!AU: Ena dosent take night classes and has a bf!!

- Kamiyama HS -
(Mizuki's POV)
{Mizuki, Ena, Kiyoshi Yamaguchi}

Me and my friend Ena were sitting together outside the school, ena was talking with her boyfriend, Kiyoshi, and I was sitting there awkwardly. I was third wheeling.

"Yea, tomorrow we can go alright? I'm.. busy tonight."

"Aw! But Kiyo! I really wanted to go to the pop-up shop today, there won't be any good stuff by tomorrow."

"God ena, your so pushy sometimes. I'm sorry but I can't tonight, okay?"

I watched as he gave ena a small kiss on the cheek, he was obviously cheating but he gaslighted Ena so much she couldn't even fathom what he was doing.

"Fine! But you owe me, okay Kiyo?"

"I'll treat you to the best date ever tomorrow, I promise."

I rolled my eyes; "are you done with all the lovey-dovey happy-sappy stuff yet?"

"Yes Mizu. Honestly, why can't I just be flirty with my boyfriend?"

"Gotta go En, love you." I watched as Yamaguchi have Ena another kiss and walked off, I rolled my eyes again.

"He's obviously cheating! Can't you see? What does he do when he's supposedly 'busy'? Huh?"

"I asked once, he said he's tutoring his younger sister at math. And he's not cheating, he's the most loyal boyfriend ever."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." I frowned and looked away from ena.

"I have to go, i have homework I need to do.."

"Kay! See ya' tomorrow Mizuki!"

"Bye." I waved slightly and started the walk home, when would this girl open her eyes and see how much of a partner I would be...

- Shinonome Household, Ena's room  -
(Ena's POV)
{Ena, Yuna}

I had returned home from school and logged into nightcord, I opened up the n25 fan chat and started talking with some of our fans! It was always enjoyable talking with our fans.

Enanan • 5:27
Heyyy anyone online?

Yuna • 5:28
I am! Enanan!! It's so great to meet you!

Fans were so sweet, I loved talking with them! I was chatting with Yuna for a while and then we went to dm's she was really sweet and turns out we have alot in common!

Enanan • 7:12
I would love to see some of your designs!

Yuna • 7:13

Yuna really liked art, as well as clothing design. In the end I found our she went to my school as well!  So I got her phone number and we became friends fast.

Yuna • 8:01
Oh? Your dating Kiyoshi.. I saw a photo of you and him on  your insta.

Enanan • 8:02
Yeah! Why is something wrong?

I was confused, how did she know Kiyo? Maybe they were friends or something.

Yuna • 8:02
No, nothings wrong necessarily. I just used to date him is all.

Enanan • 8:04

Yuna • 8:04
Why? Is something wrong?

Kiyoshi told me he never dated anyone before, that I was his first and only girlfriend. What was going on? Was kiyo actually cheating on me.

Enanan • 8:05
Kiyoshi told me I was his first and only girlfriend, I'm just confused...

Yuna is typing...

I got the notification and I didn't even want to open it. I was too scared to see what Yuna would text back, I clenched my fists, my palms sweaty. I wanted to cry and scream but couldn't find the will to. I took a deep breath and opened my phone, and saw what Yuna responded.

Yuna • 8:07
He cheated on me, and told me the same thing. Be careful, Ena.

Yuna attached a photo as well, it was from someone's instagram. Kiyoshi was kissing some girl in a field of flowers.

I put my phone down and sat on my bed, quiet and still. Unsure what to think or do.

- Kamiyama HS -
(Mizuki's POV)
{Mizuki, Ena, Rui}

"Shut up! You don't know what your saying Rui-kun!"

I smiled slightly, rui was teasing me saying that I had a crush on Ena. He was right of course but

"You know I'm right! I am a mind reader."

"Mmm." I frowned trying to seem upset but I couldn't contain my giggles.

"Speak of the devil, there's Shinonome now."

I turned and saw Ena running up to me, she was running really fast she couldn't stop so she ran j to me and we fell onto a heap on the floor with rui under us.

"Wow mizuki, Shinonome must be head over heels in love with you."


Ena pushed herself up, her eyes puffy trying to regain her breath she sat on the floor knees crossed. Rui stood up, brushed off the non-existent dirt from his pants and turned.

"Seems like it's time for me to go now. Good luck Akiyama."

He walked off leaving me with ena.

"Where's Kiyoshi?" I rolled my eyes slightly. She was always with him lately.

"Come on now, get off the floor." I said as I reached my hand for ena to grab it. I looked down and saw her face tear-stained. She was silently sobbing. I fell to my knees so I was facing ena.

"Hey, look at me. What's wrong?" I turned Ena's chin up with my hand so she would face me.

"You were right." Ena mumbled under her breath.

"He was a liar and a cheater."

"Told you so. Now, wipe your eyes. Me and you are going to go and yell at this loser of a man. He doesn't deserve your tears, Ena."

I held my hand out for ena, she hesitated slightly and then reached out for my hand.

I grabbed Ena's hand and dragged her to where Kiyoshi was, I was about to smack some sense into this fuckbag.

- Kamiyama HS, classroom -
{Mizuki, Ena, Kiyoshi}

"Ena! Hey baby, what's up? I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Shut up you cheater! Go rot in hell!"

"Ena? Is something going on?"

"You tell me!"

Ena screamed, she showed the Kiyoshi her phone. I looked and saw a picture of Kiyoshi and some girl. She had proof.

"Who sent you that! It's obviously fake, hey Ena your my only lover! I swear!"

"Save your shit Kiyoshi! Go fuck some other helpless girl."

I spat at his feet, I hated him with a burning passion. How could he hurt the one I love! He hurt her so much. I felt the anger bubble inside me and I punched Kiyoshi across the face. He fell to the floor, passed out his nose bleeding a deep scarlet red.

I smiled, happy with myself.

"I'm proud of you, Ena."


I looked into Ena's deep brown eyes, my heart felt warm and I felt safe and happy. I didn't have a care in the world at the moment, I needed to tell ena how I felt.

"I love you, Ena Shinonome."

N/A: HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER YWYW ik not making a second part btw 😎 anywaysss hope you Enjoyed! Next is ruikasa with a special AU so get ready. Word count: 1184

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