Story 11 - Ruiena: "The Alchemist and The Artist."

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- Ruiena
!!Mafia AU, Mentions of smut (warnings will be placed)!!

- ?? -
(Ena's POV)
{Ena, Agent 52, rui}

"You sure we'll catch him this time? He's been rather difficult to capture and even our best detective's have had issues."

"Yeah I'm sure, this bastard won't be escaping me this time!"

I was excited, adrenaline rushing through me. I could finally catch my rival, the infamous shooter who has remained nameless for forever, but I hoped to change that today.

"This way, we can cut him off from behind and catch him by surprise."

I nodded and followed Agent 52. We ran swiftly and silently until we heard a gunshot.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled as we both ducked.

"Well then, what have we here?"

I looked up and saw him. He was casually blowing on the tip of his gun. He then cocked it and pointed it towards me and Agent 52. I silently pressed the button in my pocket which alerted hq to send backup.

"Mm. Sit up, and tell me your names and why on earth your here, you wouldn't happen to be part of a special police force?" He grinned and chuckled to himself.

I stood up, all I had to do was stall. If I played my cards right, backup would arrive shortly and we could capture him.

"I'm agent 46, and this here is agent 52. Your under arrest for thievery and murder." I quickly took a gun from my pocket, cocked it and pointed it at his head.

"Surrender now, or suffer the consequences." I glared at him firmly.

"A-agent 46- is this r-really a good idea?"

"Mmm.. your rather useless, aren't you 52? Using this one over here to protect you. And oh don't you know yourself, just how useless you are!" He started laughing hysterically, I saw how his hand held the gun with such delicacy. If I could lightly hit his arm the gun would fall.

Agent 52 turned to me for help, he looked scared and unsure what to do. I looked at him and nodded, I smiled as to reassure him that everything would be alright. 

"Hmm.." I thought.

"Oh? Notice something peculiar?"

He came closer to me and started looking where my eyes were. "What exactly are you looking at?"

I grinned, now that he was momentarily distracted I could do it. I slapped his arm downwards and he dropped the gun, I stood up and quickly pulled his arms behind his back.

"Your under arrest for thievery, murder and assault. Everything you say can and will be used against you in court." I handcuffed him, adrenaline rushing through me, I had finally caught this vile criminal!

"Smart thinking! We should get going and alert backup that we've caught him."

I nodded, turning to the exit I lead him towards our car which was parked outside. Once we reached the car I started interrogating him a bit.

{Ena, Rui}

"So, what's your name? Full name please. I'd also like your age."

"Oh, whats this? You want all my information now I see. Well what if I don't give it to you?"

"Oh please, stop being difficult." I shoved my hand into his pants pocket and took out his wallet. Inside was multiple false ID's.

"Just another reason to find you guilty! At this rate you'll be sent to death." I said jokingly. "Now please be a dear and tell me your REAL name."

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