Story 2- Toyahane : "A Pause in a Heartbeating Moment"

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- Toyahane for _L3monn_

- Street -
(Kohane's POV)
{Kohane, Toya, an}

I was doing a street performance together with Toya and An, we were singing together our voices in sync, it was great practice for future shows.

"Hehe! That was great guys! Let's take a quick break and we'll do the next song."

"Sounds good! We're doing great today! Let's keep it up."

"Yup. What song should we do next?"

"I was thinking maybe..."

And and Toya started discussing what song we were going to perform next, I sat down and took a break, I was tired from all the singing.

"You doing okay Azusawa?"

"Yeah I'm fine Toya. Just a bit tired from singing is all."

"Want some water? I can go get you some from that store it's not far away."

"I'll go myself, thanks for offering tho. You guys figure out what song to do next, I'll be back by 1:35."

"Sure, here Koko take some money to pay. my treat."

"Thanks Toya!" I smiled and took the money from Toya's hands and started to walk to the store.

- Store -
{Kohane, person 1, person 2}

I was browsing the store looking for some water and maybe a snack, i took a water bottle from the fridge and a small bag of trail mix from one of the shelves.

I paid for my snacks and left the store and began walking back to where me, An and Toya were performing. It wasn't too far away, about a 10 minute walk, but 5 minutes if you took the back alleyways. I checked the time on my phone it was 1:31 I should probably take the alleyways so I could get back on time. 

I started my walk through the alleyways, I should pick up the pace if I wanted to get there by 1:35.

"Oh, what have we here? Are you lost little girl? Need some help to find your way back, I'll take ya'. Where you going?" 

A tall man with black hair and green eyes came up to me, he was followed by another man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, both men seemed in there 30's.

"Yeahhh, cmon we'll lead the way, don't wanna bump into any sketchy guys don't cha?"  Said the dirty blonde haired man.

"I'm okay. Have a nice day."

I didn't want to get caught in some shady shit with these people, so I started walking a bit faster but they followed me.

"Hey don't walk away on us! The fun has just started, cmonn come with us we'll show you a good time."

"Sorry. I'm late for something."

One of them tried to grab my arm but I pulled away.

"Hey! I'm talking to ya, your coming with us."

"I'm okay. Really-" my heart was pounding, I didn't want them to hurt me.

"Fine, you want it to be like this huh?" The dirty-blonde hair man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small knife.

"Cmon cutie, it doesn't have to be forceful! Just come with us we don't bite." He grinned and reached for my arm again.

"Leave me alone!" I cried, my heart beating faster and faster by the passing seconds. I started to run, as fast as I could. But the black haired one caught up to me and pinned me down.

"Hey! We didn't say you could go! Now, I'll have to make you suffer for your mistake."

"No! Let go of me!" I struggled, trying to push him off of me, he raised his hand and hit my face, he then took the knife from his friend and held it too my cheek.

"Now, your coming with us so we don't have any little accidents."

He pressed the knife hard against my cheek and cut me a little, a bit of blood seeped done my cheek,  and sweat beaded on my forehead.

"Help!" I cried praying that someone would hear me and come to my aid. 

"Shhhh." He covered my mouth with his hands.

I screamed as loud as I could but it was muffled by his hands, I just wanted someone to come help me!

- ?? -
(Toya's POV)
{Toya, person 1, person 2, Kohane}

Kohane was taking too long to get back, it was already 1:42 so I decided to go find her. I started getting a bit worried when she wasn't at the shop when I heard a bunch of voices from a back alley.

"Shut up you slut!"

"What the-" I followed the voice and saw two men, one pinning down Kohane the other standing next to her.

"What the fuck. You know it's bad manners to hurt girls? Ever heard of chivalry?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Don't touch her, you stupid fucking bitches!"

"Yeah, or what? Wanna fight pretty boy?"

The black haired man scoffed and rolled up his sleeves, preparing to fight me. I wasn't very athletic, or strong but I would have to try my best for Kohane.

I took the first blow, obviously I wasn't that that strong so it hurt me more then it hurt him.

"Not much of a fighter, eh?"

He raised his arm and hit me across the head, we fought for a while. Kohane was shaking with fear next to me.

"Stop this! You shouldn't be fighting!"

Kohane was right, I stopped fighting, I ran to Kohane and pulled her onto my shoulders and started running.

"Toya! I can run myself."

"No time Koko, we have to go. I don't want you getting hurt."

After a few minutes we got back to the street where An was waiting, the men who were following us stopped and turned back, probably because of the amount of people.

- Street -
{Toya, Kohane, An}

"Kohane-chan you good? You were gone for a while. Wait Aoyagi why's your face so bruised!? Are you okay!"

"I'm fine Shiraishi don't worry about it."


"Hey Kohane calm down- here sit."

Kohane sat down next to An, I sat down next to Kohane and put my arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, calm down it's okay Koko. Those men are gone now your safe."

"Thanks Toya, your the best, I love you."

"I love you too Koko."

I smiled, Kohane was such a sweetie. I wanted to be with her for forever.

A/N note: this was fun to write, give me more suggestions because I have no ideas 😔 hope you all enjoyed!! Word count: 1099

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