Story 4 - Akian: "Sunflowers"

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!!Royalty/ Fantasy AU!!
- Akian royalty AU for kitsuyay

- Palace -
(Akito's POV)
{Akito, Princess Cerise, servant}

"Aki, can you be a dear and get me some more water? Thanks so much!"

I sighed and went to get the princess some water. I was her personal 'pet' her dog, the one who went to go get her things and entertain her. She was a cruel ruler with no mercy her kingdom was falling apart and she hardly even noticed it.

"Still fetching things for the princess, Eh Akito?"

"Yup, same old shit."

"God, I'd hate to have your job. Glad your the one who has it! Haha!"

"Wow, thanks Kaio."

"Anytime, you take care of yourself okay?"

"Yup, you too." I replied and continued my walk to the kitchen to get the water. I filled up a pitcher, as I waited for the water to get colder I heard a noise coming from the garbage cans, so I went to go check out what it was.

"Someone there?" I asked, I looked behind the garbage cans and saw a small blue foxlike creature.

{Akito, ??}

"Oh. Just an animal. The fuck are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." The fox said. I took a step back, why was a fox talking-

"Don't be alarmed, I am a Kitsune."
There was a slight flash of light and the fox turned into a young girl with blue hair and yellow-orange eyes, she was wearing a mask and a long dress.

"The fuck-"

"I'm An! What's your name?" 


"That's a pretty name, I'm hungry got any food for me?"

I was shaking, my palms sweaty I was so confused as to what was happening, weren't kitsune mythical creatures who were long extinct?

"I cant get you food, I'm just a servant. I'll get in trouble with her majesty."

"Aw, come on! I'm starving. Just a small snack will do."

"Fine, but you better be quiet."

"Yay!" She took my hand and followed me to the huge pantry, I opened the door and began searching for something small.

"Woah! This pantry is huge. The princess won't notice a thing if we take something."

"Shut up. I don't want to get in trouble."

"Ugh. Live a little huh? Your whole life isn't your job."

"My life is my job, I have to provide for my sister and parents. If I loose this job you better have some money up your sleeve for me."

"No, I'm completely broke. Sorry."

"Then you better shut the fuck up so we don't get caught." I was anxious enough as it is, I quickly grabbed a packet of crackers and lead An outside.

"Here. Take it, now get lost because I really can't risk loosing this job."

"What's the fun in that? This is the most exciting thing happening to me in years! It's so boring living in the woods. There's no people!"

"That seems amazing, being a kitsune. You have no worries. You don't need money, and you can just eat the leaves or something."  I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess, but it's lonely."

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