Story 8 - Ruikasa: "Hidden Beyond the Wall of Thorns."

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!!Vampire AU!!
- Ruikasa for _L3monn_

!!AU: Saki is 10 years old, Rui has 2 older brothers!!

- Roads -
(Tsukasa's POV)
{Tsukasa, Saki}

I was walking by myself, calmly to school with my younger sister Saki, I was supposed to drop her off at school along the way. She was walking joyfully besides me, not a care in the world.

"Oni-chan! Im so excited to see all my friends at school today! Like Ichi-chan and shi-chan!"

"Im glad saki." I smiled at her, I loved my younger sister with all my heart, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her. I watched as she jumped through puddles getting her shoes and socks wet.

"Saki, careful your getting all wet."

"It's okay! I like the puddles! They're fun to play in. Don't worry onii-Chan I packed extra socks in my backpack."

I smiled weakly, "if your sure."

Saki smiled at me and hummed the rest of the way to school, i dropped her off, waved goodbye and started my own way to school.

- Elementary School -
(Saki's POV)
{Saki, Teacher, Shiho}

"Bye Saki!"  Shiho called to me, I watched as she held her big sisters hand and left.

"Bye Shi-chan! See you tomorrow!" I waved to her and she waved back.

I wonder where Tsukasa-kun is, he was usually never late to pick me up, I sat on the edge of the porch of the building dangling my feet and humming quietly to myself.

"Tenma-Chan, is your brother coming anytime soon? School ended 15 minutes ago."

"Oh I dunno! He isn't here yet."

"Alright. If he's not here in 10 minutes your going to have to walk home, we can't watch you after school."

"Oh. Okay. If he comes can you tell him I walked home?"

"Sure honey, how about you wait a bit and see if he comes."

"Yay! Thanks." I smiled at my teacher and continued to admire nature, the sky was grey and cloudy. I could see the wall of thorns in the distance, It looked scary. Nii-Chan told me to never go over there, I wonder why. 

I waited the 10 minutes but tsukasa never showed up. I was upset but I couldn't stay here by myself. My house was a 10 minute walk and I knew the way so it's okay, I stood up and started my walk home.

I pretended I was a fairy, with glistening pink wings and I could make anyone I wanted too happy and healthy with the swish of my wand!

{Saki, ??}

"Oh~ hello there."

Who was there- I awoke from my daydream and realized I was just steps away from the thorny wall. I shouldn't be here I thought. I need to get out of here and get home.

"Who's there-" I said anxiously. Maybe it was a nice man who can help me? 

"You poor dear. Are you lost? It's not very safe to be near the wall~"

"W-where are you..." I asked, I played with my hair nervously.

"Oh just a few steps in front of you, come closer, little one."

If they were a few steps in font of my it was impossible! The only thing in front of me was the wall.

"What. I'm confused, can you come out?"

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