1 • Summer In Cousins ☀️

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I've been going to Cousins every summer since I was a baby. My mother and Susannah have been best friends since college. Me, Belly, Steven, and Susannah's boys, Conrad and Jeremiah, practically grew up together here in Cousins.

Ever summer we went out to Susannah's beach house. We never missed a single summer. It was all I knew. It was always the same, and that's why I loved it. The long car rides, the stops at gas stations for bathroom breaks, the smell of the sand and waves out the car window, and of course, the annoying voices of my older brother Steven, and younger sister Belly, asking when we would get there.

I mostly sat quietly with my window open, waiting to smell the waves through the fresh breeze.

"Do you think they'll remember me?" I asked my mom. I've changed a lot this year. More than Belly has.

"Of course they will. The one thing that hasn't changed is that gorgeous smile of yours." My mom said with a grin.

People used to say my smile was one of a kind. I used to laugh at how ridiculous that sounded. How can a smile be one of a kind?

I felt the car slowly come to a stop. "We're here." My mom smiled. I felt this wave of anxiety come over me. I was nervous to see the boys.

I got out of the car slowly and watched as everyone hugged. Jeremiah was the first to see me. He smiled more than I've ever seen him smile before. "Hey shortie!" Jeremiah said before picking me up in a hug, spinning me around in circles.

I forgot to mention, I'm kinda short... hence the nickname. Jeremiah and Conrad have been calling me "shortie" ever since the 4th grade. I was always the shortest in the group. But now, I've grown, so I'm not as short as I used to be.

"Hey Jere." I smiled, kissing his cheek. "Ellie!" Conrad yelled as he saw me. He gave me a big hug but kept his eyes on Belly. They've always had a thing for each other. But they're too scared to admit it. Everyone else can see it though, it's not very subtle as they think...

"Guys! I don't know about you, but I think it's time for a..." I knew where this was going. "Belly Flop!" Jeremiah and Steven yelled. All the sudden Belly was lifted up from the ground and carried into the backyard by the boys.

I always loved watching this every summer. And I also loved not getting my clothes all wet.

They throw her in and we all giggle. "Guys, I hurt my ankle." She reached out for Conrad's hand. Then, Conrad was dragged into the pool, causing a lot of laughter between the boys and I.

After the pool incident, we all decide to change into our swimsuits and head down to the beach. This was my favourite part about summer.

"Jere?" I called out for him. "Jere? Where are you? Everyone's looking for you!" I yelled through the halls in my new bikini. "Relax! I'm coming!" He walked out of his room.

I stood in the middle of the hall, frozen, looking at his new abs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Jeremiah giggled. "Shut up!" I hit him in the arm. "Everyone's at the beach." I said before walking down the stairs.

Jeremiah and I headed down to the beach with our towels in our hands. I couldn't wait any longer for this. "Last one in the water has to buy ice cream!" Jeremiah yelled as he dropped his towel and started running. "Hey! Not fair!" I dropped mine and ran as fast as I could to the water.

Jeremiah got there first of course. "That's not fair! You cheated!" I laughed as we made it to the water. This time, I caught him staring at my new body. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I mocked him. He grinned and dunked under water.

Jeremiah and I have always been close. When Susannah got cancer a few years ago, I was always by his side no matter what. And when I got dumped for the first time, he was there for me. He was my shoulder to cry on, and I was his.

But for some reason, I felt like this summer was going to be different, for the better, and the worse.

The Summer It All Changed ~ Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now