2 • Bonfire Drama ????

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When I said every summer was the same, that was true. Every summer Belly and I would stay at the beach house and watch movies all night with the moms. But this summer, neither of us wanted that. And that was obvious. I was seventeen, and Belly was almost sixteen.

Me and Belly came to the conclusion to sneak out. We walked to the beach without raising any suspicion.

"Do you think the boys will be mad?" Belly asked nervously. Obviously starting to regret her choice of leaving. "Who cares. We're old enough." I smiled at her and put my arm around her shoulder.

We arrived at the bonfire and a guy grabbed us some beers. At first, I didn't see the boys.

"Ellie?" I turned around and saw Jeremiah. "Oh! Hey Jere!" I smiled and took a sip of my beer. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a hint of anger. "I thought I'd come check it out." I smiled. "I thought you were hanging out with the moms?" Jere asked confused. "We snuck out." Belly said.

"You snuck out?" Jeremiah looked unimpressed. "So? I hear you sneak out all the time." Belly said. "Really?" I looked at Jeremiah unimpressed and let out a giggle.

"Belly, why don't you go find Conrad. I need to talk to Ellie." Jeremiah said. Belly frowned and walked away. "Why are you being so weird right now?" I asked Jeremiah. He's never acted like this before.

"I just-" we were interrupted by a smack. I looked over and saw Belly fall to the ground. I ran over to her. "Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I helped her up and watched as Conrad and some guy got into it.

"We gotta go! Jere! We gotta go now!" I yelled as Jeremiah nodded and pulled Conrad off the guy.

Conrad, Steven, Jeremiah, Belly and I all walked back to the jeep in utter silence. We all got in and as soon as Jere closed the door he turned around and faced me, Belly, and Conrad. "What the hell were you guys thinking?!" Jeremiah said angrily. "We just wanted to have fun..." Belly said quietly while holding her cheek.

"Yeah. That didn't end well for you guys, did it?" Jeremiah said dramatically. "Let's just go home..." Conrad said quietly.

The ride was quiet. I didn't know what to say. Jeremiah has never been this mad at me before. It was so stupid...


"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" My mom yelled at me and Belly. "Sneaking out? You know better than that." She was disappointed. "And you Ellie. You're older than her. I expected the best from you!" She yelled.

I scoffed and walked up to my room. There she goes again. My mom has always blamed me for Belly's mistakes. Ever since her and dad divorced, me and her have been distant.

I didn't blame her, she does her best on her own. I couldn't be angry with her...

The Summer It All Changed ~ Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now