28 • A Little Jere? 🌹💕

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My flu got worse over the last new days. I constantly threw up every morning and sometimes afternoon. I was weak sometimes. I had trouble walking in the sand. I got tired easier. And so much more.

I thought it was the stress of being back here, but now, I'm not too sure. My period was late, that was a main giveaway. I decided to get a test just in case.

I walked down the skinny aisles looking for a test. I picked up the pink box and took it to the cashier. I avoided eye contact the whole time. "Have a good day." The person smiled. "Thanks." I replied before running to my car.

As I got back to the beach house, I went straight into the bathroom and did the test.

Those 10 minutes were the longest minutes in my life. I've never been so impatient. I grabbed my phone checking how much time was left on the timer.

It was time to check. I slowly flipped the test over. "Oh fuck..." I got tears in my eyes. Positive. Fuck.

Jeremiah and I haven't talked about us being parents yet. The topic was always pushed away.

"Ellie? You in there?" I heard a knock at the door. "Yeah. Just a sec." I shoved the test in my pocket. I opened the door, "You still sick?" He asked me concerned. "No. I'm okay now." I smiled softly.

"Good." He smiled, kissing my forehead before walking in the bathroom.

I sighed deeply as he closed the door. I waited on the couch until Jeremiah came out of the bathroom. "Jere. We need to talk..." I said. He looked at me concerned, "Okay... what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I need to tell you something..." I sighed. He nodded nervously, "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant..." I confessed. "You? Your pregnant?" He seemed confused and worried. "Yes. I'm pregnant." I said it again.

He looked pale but then gathered himself together. "A little Jere?" He put his hand on my stomach. I sighed in relief. "Your not upset?" I asked him. "Of course not." He grabbed my cheeks. "My mom would be so thrilled." He let out a tear of happiness and sadness.

"Of course she would be." I grabbed his hand, rubbing my thumb over the back of his hand. He nodded, "A little Jere..."

The Summer It All Changed ~ Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now