8 • Secrets To Keep ????????

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When Susannah asks you to do something, all you wanna do is make her happy. So you say yes. In Belly's case, that was to be a Debutante. I was so relieved that Susannah didn't ask me. I would have broke her heart saying no.

Belly invited me to go dress shopping with her for the ball. She said she "valued my opinion", so of course, I went with them. Susannah was picking all the expensive, wedding-like dresses. Susannah went crazy for this kind of stuff. I could tell Belly was just trying to make her happy, even if she wasn't.

"I don't know Susannah, it really isn't Belly." my mom commented on one really expensive dress. "Oh come on, Laurel. It's a special day!" Susannah smiled brightly. I loved seeing Susannah this happy. She had this thing where when she laughed, it would light up the room. I guess thats where Jeremiah gets it from.

"Beck, these are SO expensive. We can't buy these." my mom said to Susannah. Beck was the nickname Susannah had in college, thats why my mom called her that. "Don't worry. It's my treat." Susannah exclaimed. My mom rolled her eyes dramatically, "Fine, but find one she likes." my mom gave her a 'look'. Susannah sighed, "of course."


We spent a good three hours shopping for the Debutante ball. My feet ached. I hated shopping. I know, I'm a girl, I should love shopping! Unfortunately, I don't.

"You really wanna do this debutante thing?" I asked Belly. I was generally surprised that she agreed in the first place. "Yeah, of course. I wanna make Susannah happy." Belly smiled sadly. "You don't have to do it, you know? She wouldn't care." I said. Belly smiled, "I want to. I love making Susannah smile."

"You're a good person, Belly." I hugged her. "Thanks, El." she smiled, hugging me back.


I sat on my laptop on the couch in the living room. I sat there in silence until I heard heavy breathing. I closed my laptop slowly, and turned around. "Susannah? You okay?" I asked concerned, as I saw she had sat down halfway down the stairs. "Yeah. I'm okay." she slowed her breathing. I got up and walked towards her.

"Are you sure?" I asked her as I helped her up. "Yeah. I'm alright. Please don't tell the boys about this." she said, which scared me more. I helped her over to the couch, "Susannah... Is..." I started to tear up. "You can't tell them. They can't know." she held my hand tightly. "Your cancer?" I asked as tears started to form in my eyes. "They can't know." Susannah ran her thumb across my cheek. I closed my eyes trying to push back the tears.

"Okay..." I whispered. "They don't have to know." I said, letting my tears fall. "Thank you." she said and hugged me tight. "Get some rest." I put a pillow down, and covered her with a blanket. "Thank you, sweetie." I smiled sadly.

I stayed with her until she fell asleep. Susannah is my best friend. I can't loose her, ever.

The Summer It All Changed ~ Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now