Chap 9 - Losing Control

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NOTE: For a better reading, when Karla is about to dance, listen to the song ""Wicked Games by The Weeknd" ;) 


Luiza's POV

After that tiring day, I arrived home where Ally and Dinah were. We talked during the entire dinner about the new guy from human resources that kept an eye on our small baby. 

"C'mon, Ally, are you really gonna say that you didn't find Troy cute?" Dinah spoke laughing.

"He's cute, Dinah. But I don't have time to date." She said, dropping onto our couch.

"Look at this, Lulu, Ally doesn't have time to date..." 

"Leave her alone, Cheechee. Ally is fine like this."

"She's not, she just thinks she is. Sex is good for the human health, ya'know?" 

"Jesus, Dinah!" The girl exclaimed. 

I laughed, seeing Ally cover her ears while Dinah talked about the benefits of sex to the human health.

"Listen to me and stop being an idiot, Allyson! Troy was really into you, that was obvious, tomorrow you could doll up a little more, to impress him." 

"I don't want to impress anyone. He liked me like this, right Lulu?"

 "Exactly, he has to like her the way she is." 

"I know, but she can do a little better for him, right? Ally, just look at Lulu, ever since Albuquerque started working at the company, she's always perfectly dressed up and smells nice." 

I widened my eyes, throwing one of the pillows at Dinah. "Lies! I've always dressed like this." 

I walked to the kitchen to escape the subject.

"Now I have to agree with Dinah, you have been much more dolled up, Luiza." 

"You two are going crazy! I have not, and neither will I have anything with Valentina." I shouted from where I was.

"What about Karla?" Dinah asked.

"Ask her later, Cheechee. I don't know about her life."

"I honestly feel confused with that double identity thing. Is it a sin?" I heard Ally say, making me laugh.

I drank a little bit of water as I looked at our mail placed on top of the counter. I flipped through the papers that were basically bills and advertisement. One in particular caught my attention, and it had my name on it. I quickly opened the white envelope: 


To: Ms. Karla Luiza Campos Estrabao 

CC: Property Lease Renewal - Mixed Residential House - SW Street, 51st Ave, Nº 14 

Through this notification, is the Ms. notified that there is no more interest on the part of the lessor in continuing the lease of the property above described, as a result of failure to pay the past due rent. 

Therefore, in accordance with Law 8245/91, is the Ms. notified and aware that you should vacate the referred property imperatively, as well as pay off all existing debt up to this date, under penalty of appropriate civil action. 

Nothing further. --

This couldn't be happening again. What the hell?!, I thought as I reread the small paper in my hands.

"Stop being an idiot, Ally. Learn some seduction techniques with Lulu, she's experienced in that." Dinah said laughing as she approached me. "What happened?" She asked as soon as she looked at me.

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