Chap 25 - Crossed Paths

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NOTE: For a better reading, when I point out during the chapter, listen to Worth It by Fifth Harmony ;) 


Luiza's POV

It was almost 8PM, and I was still standing in front of those three dresses outstretched on the bed. I looked closely at the three of them, trying to decide which Valentina would like to see me wearing. Knowing her tastes, I would bet her answer to be one single word. 


I smiled before my ideas of imagining her saying that. With that mischievous and daring smile, accompanied by her greenish iris in a darker tone. Today our day had been different, working in Albuquerque's Industry had never been so pleasurable. After the mind-blowing occurrence in the elevator this morning my mood was at a thousand. God, Valentina could make me lose my mind. How many cameras in that elevator had recorded us in that way? 

It wasn't good to think about it. Making the building's security personnel happy wasn't among my intentions. 

I shook my head with the possibility in which Valentina didn't seem to mind one bit as she made me hers like that. That I confess to have loved. I loved her like this. Arrogant, dominant and powerful. I surrendered myself easily at her orders, despite the effort I made to resist. I couldn't. She had an unimaginable power over me, her eyes mesmerized me slowly, leaving me at the mercy of her will. And I had no choice but to accept. 

- God, you haven't decided yet? In a few you have to go. - I heard Ally walking into the room, awaking me from my thoughts. 

- I can't choose which one is the best. What do you think?

- I think that for Valentina it doesn't matter, what she really wants is to see you without clothes. - Dinah said walking in behind Ally. 

I let out a laugh when I heard her.

- Dinah, you are always so delicate. - Ally spoke staring at the three dresses - You should go with this one. 

The woman said pointing to the back dress with lace details. 

- Why did you choose this one?

- Let's say it fits well the occasion. Valentina seems to like black, and this dress is very sexy. Wear high heels and black stockings.

- Allyson giving advice on how to be sexy. I never thought I would see that. - Dinah said throwing herself in bed. 

- I have my secrets, Jane. - Ally spoke feigning mystery.

- Someone call Allyson, please, my friend was abducted. Get away from me in the name of Jesus whoever you are. - Dinah spoke doing the cross sign with her fingers.

Ally and I started laughing out loud.

- I don't know what would be of me without you girls. 

- Nothing honey, you would be nothing. - Dinah spoke cockily. 

  -Lulu, don't waste time, just go get ready. 

- Yep, you better not waste time, you still have a lot to do today. 

- Dinah, don't start. - Ally spoke quickly. 

- I'm referring to "Imperium", or have you two forgotten that today is Karla's day?

God, I had completely forgotten about it. My relationship with Valentina was making me lose my mind to the point where I forgot about my commitments. For a moment knowing that that day Karla would dance at "Imperium" made me happy. Had Valentina forgotten about it or she simply didn't want to go?

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