Chap 45 - To leave, yes or no?

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Luiza's POV

I came to the conclusion that I have some kind of colossal attraction to problems. Nothing can explain the fact that I'm always involved in one. When everything seems well, life takes care of throwing a pinch of emotion, or rather, confusion to give a bustling in the calm tide. I was late, the time set for the rehearsal had already ended and I wasn't even inside a taxi going towards Valentina's apartment, since hours ago I had scheduled with her that we would sleep together. God, all that I needed in this moment was to be in the arms of my woman. 

- What do you think you're doing? - Keana asked quickly, holding my arm preventing me to follow my way.

- Let me go. - I snapped.

- Jesus, Luiza! Don't be stupid.

I frowned in her direction, the boldness of that woman. She rolled her eyes in a tedious way and pulled me again to a more remote and dark corner.

- Can you stop and think? 

- I'm thinking very clearly! - I exclaimed angrily. 

- No, you are not! Do you think I'll harm you?

I stopped for a few instants looking into her eyes, and despite her evident mischievousness and her different way, Keana wasn't a bad person. I knew her very well, I knew of all her quirks and her ways. I sighed heavily, letting my shoulders fall.

- Can't you understand that I don't want problems? 

- You won't have problems if you do what I need. No one will know absolutely anything. 

- I've already lied too much, Keana. How will I know that you are telling the truth?

- And? One more lie or one less lie doesn't make a difference. Shit! Why the hell would I lie? - She exclaimed backing away as she raised her hands up high. 

I rolled my eyes and huffed.

- Of course it does, I'll not dance for you. I'll not lie to Valentina anymore.

- Valentina, Valentina, Valentina. - She said annoyed - Why does it seem that the world revolves around that woman? 

- You know what? I know a way to solve this.

She turned towards me, with a confused look. 

- What are you going to do?

I shrugged and turned towards the main hall, heading to Candece's office. I heard the woman call me in the background, but I didn't even give importance. I needed to put an end to that.

I knocked several times on Candece's door, feeling my heart race. I was decided in what I was going to do, however I was nervous enough to faint at any moment.

- What happened? What desperation is this?

Candece asked staring at me with widened and surprised eyes. I walked into her office hurriedly, standing with my back turned to the woman. 

- Karla? - She called.

I took a deep breath, feeling the air enter with difficulty into my lungs. Making the decision I made and tell her wasn't an easy task. I was going against everything that happened over the years. But there wasn't any other way, the situation couldn't keep going like this.

- I need to tell you something very important.

Candece stayed in silence for a few seconds, giving me the chance to hear her breathing deeply. The woman slowly approached, in visibly calculated steps. 

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