Chap 41 - To lie, yes or no?

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Luiza's POV

I closed my eyes feeling Valentina's daring lips slid on my neck, to then feel her teeth dig slowly on my skin. I let out a deep breath of air, squeezing my legs to not worsen our situation. But she was at a thousand, Valentina was now on top of me, kissing my mouth as if the world was going to end, her right hand went down to my thigh, flexing it so that the woman could fit between my legs. It was too early, about 6:33AM to be more exact. We had just woken up and decided to say goodbye to go to work. 

Last night, after the picnic Valentina decided to take us bowling. She was destined to make Sofi's day wonderful. And it really was, we had a lot of fun while bowling, and I of course was the champion among them. Sofi stayed somewhat angry, and Valentina just gave the idea for us to go eat a good sandwich which made Sofi instantly happy again. We talked and joked for a few more hours until we returned to my apartment. With my sweet ways I was able to convince Valentina to stay and sleep with me, Sofi was in Dinah's bedroom, according to her Dinah's bed was more comfortable. Valentina obviously slept with me, and behaved well after I threatened her three times. The sex strike was making my girlfriend completely crazy, and me too. 

- Valentina...

She didn't even listen to me, she sucked my earlobe which made me gasp. Damn her. Her hands roamed up and down my body, scratching lightly, causing a very delicious arousal. I brought my hands to her hair, pulling her face towards mine. Valentina captured my lips in a few seconds, sucking them hard. We were groping each other madly on the couch of my apartment. That was not the initial plan, the woman said that she just wanted some caresses and now look at us. 

- Someone might see us, Sofi is sleeping and she could wake up. - I whispered when she descended with the kisses to my chest.

- You just got to be quiet, baby. - Valentina whispered sliding her tongue on my skin. 

Dammit, she was maddening me. Her heavy and warm breathing against my skin made me want to give up on the damn strike that I imposed.

- The s... strike! 

- Forget about the strike, okay? 

Valentina sat on the couch, pulling my body with certain force towards hers. Making me straddle her lap. Her hands rested on my thighs where she squeezed tightly. I sighed and brought my hands to her neck, lacing my fingers between the strands of her hair. She stared at me and smirked. I shook my head and kissed her.

In the beginning the kiss was just a lip contact, Valentina slid the tip of her tongue over my lower lip real slow, indicating what she wanted and I allowed it. Feeling her tongue snaking over mine devilishly. I sighed with the contact, and sucked with want. I felt her skillful hands snaking inside my blouse, sliding her slender fingers up my back. I closed my eyes when she disconnected our mouths and trailed with the kisses down to my neck stopping on my pulse point where she sucked, fuck. That would leave a mark. I dug my nails on her shoulder, and that only impulsed her to continue.

With speed Valentina brought her hands to the button of the shorts I was wearing, unbuttoning it so fast that I didn't even notice until she started to pull it down. Our breaths were heavy and mismatch, I leaned back, receiving desperate kisses on my breasts, even above the thin blouse that was turning me on. Valentina slid her tongue right on top of my nipple, while her hands rubbed my center hard over the thick fabric of my denim shorts. 

"God, I need more!" - I exclaimed in thought. 

I squeezed my fingers on her hair, and that clearly showed her that I was surrendering myself, because the damn woman let out a cynical laugh accompanied by a mischievous gaze.

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