Chap 11 - Sweet Illusion

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NOTE: For a better reading, at the beginning of the chapter listen to "Ultraviolence" by Lana Del Rey ;)


Luiza's POV

"What are you doing here?"

I was going crazy. I closed my eyes a few times, trying to see someone else, but it was her. Valentina was standing in front of my door with her arm resting against the side of the door frame, she was wearing a different dress from the one earlier today. This one was blue, and over it she only had a black coat, open, showing her slight neckline. Her hair was still loose, disheveled and extremely sexy. I stared at her for long minutes, she didn't look normal, maybe she drank, that was the only explanation. 

"Ma'am, what are you doing in my house?" I asked.

"What am I doing? I came because I want explanations, Luiza. Or should I say, Karla."

In that moment, when I heard that name come out of her mouth, I felt all the blood in my body stop, to then run through my veins, pumping my heart so fast that I could hear its beating in my ears. I felt my body sweat, my voice disappear, she had found out, the only question was: How?

"How did you..."

"It doesn't matter how I found out." She was quick and firm. "Did you think you could fool me?"

Valentina had a different glow in her eyes, they were dark and fierce. With slow steps she approached me, backing me between her and the door. I took a few steps back until I felt my back against it.

"I didn't mean to, Valentina." 

"Did you enjoy it? Playing with me like this?" 

I didn't know what I felt that instant, Valentina was in front of me with a devilish smile, playing a game that was unknown to me. What did she want from me?

"I didn't mean it, it just... happened..." 

"It just happened..." She repeated. 

I remained quiet while she stared at me. 

"You shouldn't have done it, Campos. You shouldn't have." She said. 

I felt my heart wanting to rip my chest, due to how strong it was beating. In that exact moment, I was leaning against the door, with the woman whose gaze was destructive, staring at me. Her expression was a mixture of anger, hate, desire and arousal. Was it possible that in such tense moment I was feeling attracted to her? 

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered. 

"Don't be. Don't regret like a coward." Her voice was rude. "I'm going to teach you not to lie to me."

Valentina brought her hands calmly to my hair, moving a few strands of hair back, leaving my shoulders free. She caressed my naked skin, going up my neck until reaching my face. Staring into my eyes that screamed for help, she smirked.

"Valentina..." I whispered. 

"Shush." She placed one finger against my lips. "Shut up. Did you really think that you were going to play with me and get away with it, Campos? You don't know me at all." She said so close to me that I could feel her breath on my face, it smelled like Whiskey.

I swallowed hard when her hands rested on my waist, squeezing it with want.

"I'm sorry..."

There was no forgiveness though. She was now eating me with her eyes, waiting for the right moment to attack me like an angry feline.

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