Chap 48 - Checkmate

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Supermassive Black Hole by Muse" ; If you get mad while reading, don't stop and read it till the end and keep in mind that reminder that I wrote several times on the previous chapters. 


Alexa's POV

Valentina seemed restless. Her expression was serious, with her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed. I remained calm, despite the nervousness and euphoria of that moment. We were now inside her car on our way to "Imperium", where in this instant Karla should be starting to dance.

- We can turn around and not go there. - I let out feigning concern.

Valentina took her eyes from the road and laid them on me.

- Don't you want to prove me your theory? Or did you realize that you are telling me a bunch of bullshit? - Her voice tone came out thick and rude. Making my body tremble.

I really hoped that everything worked out in that moment, or surely Valentina would kill me. And I wouldn't have how to defend myself.

- I'm telling the truth, Valentina. I just worry about you. - I said touching her arm lightly. 

The woman shook her head and continued the way. Soon we were driving into the huge parking lot of the club, and at every movement that Valentina made my heart pounded. She stopped the car and took off the belt, getting out quickly. I just took a deep breath and followed the woman who walked into "Imperium" as if she was going to kill someone. She really seemed to be out of herself.

- Where are you going? - I asked in hurried steps behind her. 

- I'm going to look for Luiza, if she's not out here she must be in the private rooms.

Valentina spoke as she walked towards the huge corridor. She opened room by room, and they were all empty. That was starting to scare me, but there was still one door there. And that's where she went. I could hear the sound of her heels echoing down the corridor,  Valentina took a deep breath and opened the door. Seeing everything that I always expected.

Karla was kneeled on the floor, taking off the bottom half of her outfit. I quickly laid eyes on Valentina that stared at the woman in a static way. Her expression was simply unreadable, until she took a deep breath and approached both women with fury.

- Are you enjoying playing with your little sister, you slut?!

Valentina's voice echoed inside the room, making the stripper get up scared. Even with the mask I could see the brunette's surprised expression. Keana stood up quickly and stared at us in the same way.

- Valentina... - I could see Luiza whisper as she covered her body.

- This can only be a joke! - Valentina shouted.

- Valentina, calm down. - I tried to speak as I approached the woman. That in the same instant pushed me away.

- Calm down? You want me to calm down after seeing all this shit?! Calm down?! After seeing her dancing for the woman that I hate most in life?

Karla came down from the small stage and approached slowly, probably afraid of what was to come. The music that played in the background stopped leaving only the scary silence in that place.

- Baby... - Luiza's voice came out trembling and low. 

- Don't call me that, don't you even dare call me like that, Karla! - Valentina backed away. 

- Oh my God, Valentina, don't be exaggerated. - Keana let out arrogantly. 

Making Valentina face her with fury. The woman in an instant was face to face with Keana. 

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