Chap 37 - Requests

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Valentina's POV

- No, you didn't understand. Stay with me, date me, you know?

Luiza asked with a hopeful gaze. I was still processing the words that came out of her mouth. I confess that everything around me was spinning slowly, I don't know if it was the alcohol effect or if my mind was playing tricks on me.

- You're asking me...

I whispered the words to her with my eyes squinted at her. Luiza opened a small smile, shy, but still beautiful. The night's penumbra left her face partially illuminated, highlighting her so well drawn facial lines.

- Yes, Albuquerque. Do you want to be my girlfriend?

I smiled widely at her. Receiving that question from Luiza left me really surprised.

- Are you serious?

Luiza sat up, making me sit as well. We looked at each other for long seconds, and she delicately put some strands of my hair that insisted on falling over my face behind my ear. 

- I've never been more serious. I know that you are pretty surprised with this. And I confess that I am too... 

The brunette spoke in the most perfect calmness, without taking her eyes off mine. Her fingers were doing a light caress on my cold hand.

- ... But I am sure of what I feel for you. I love you, Valentina, and I want you with me. I know of all our problems and difficulties, but I believe that we can fix all of that. I don't know if you want the same, I'm really nervous to be talking about it. But I simply need this, I need to be yours. 

She smiled timidly, making my heart melt. I looked at the woman in front of me and I saw her so fragile and delicate. I confess that I didn't have enough words to express what I was feeling in that moment. I loved Luiza in a way that I never thought possible. In the middle of all the uncertainties of my life, I knew that that feeling was real. And reciprocal. 

Slowly I brought my hand to the woman's chin, tilting her face to face mine. Her eyes were now somewhat fearful in my direction. I smiled, and slowly inched closer to her face, sealing my lips on hers.

In a perfect sync her lips moved over mine, causing that feeling inside me. The famous butterflies in the stomach. Yes, they were real. Being with Luiza was always so intense and confusing. Could someone be the storm in a revolted sea and on the next day the calm morning with open and bright sky? Yes, it was possible. Karla Luiza was like that. She was my heaven and hell. Slowly I let go of the woman's lips that opened in a divine smile. We stayed close to the point of our foreheads being glued on each other. I took a deep breath with my eyes locked with the brunette's brown ones. 

- I really thought that it would be me to make this request, Miss Campos. But as always you never cease to surprise me, huh?

She smiled lowering her head timidly. I took a deep breath and then said: 

- I accept.

She lifted her head and stared at me confused. Probably still not believing my answer. Her expression would be comical if it didn't look so beautiful confused like that. 

- You're saying... 

She started speaking as she opened a large smile. I quickly took care of pushing her on the bed. Staying on top of the woman who laughed. I pinned Luiza's hands above her head just like I had done a while ago. And I stared at the woman who looked at me with a happy countenance. 

- I'm saying yes. I want to be your girlfriend, Miss Campos. I want and need you in my life. Whatever the spell that you casted on me, don't take it. I simply can't be without you anymore, Lu. 

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