Chap 40 - Will everything work out?

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NOTE: For a better reading, when I point out during the chapter, listen to "TenerifeSea" by Ed Sheeran ;) 


Candece's POV

I stayed for a few more instants just watching all the movement in the club, today was another crowded day. Thank God, or rather, thanks to Karla. I shook my head thinking that she would not come tonight, and such irresponsibility filled me with fury. Karla Luiza was always an impeccable professional in "Imperium", until she met Valentina of course. I don't even want to think about that now, her performance time had already passed and not even a sign, not even a fucking call. Normani took over her place that night, the brunette was the second best dancer in the entire place, her sculptural body and the easiness it had to seduce covered Karla's absence. But not so much, the "untouchable" had customers that were only there for her, and for no one else. Important customers, magnates of Miami. 

- I heard that Karla didn't come.

I took a deep breath, staying in the same place where I was. I brought the cigarette up to my lips pulling the smoke hard into my mouth, to then turn towards Alexa. The woman looked beautiful, and smiled as if she was saying "I told you so". 

- There's no use in make that funeral face, Candece. We knew that this would happen sooner or later. Absences, and negligences. - The woman spoke patiently while walking to the beverage counter, pouring herself a glass of Martini.

- She shouldn't do this to me, I was the person that helped her the most. 

- She already forgot about that, she has Valentina now. 

Valentina... That name only made me feel a huge revulsion. Damn day she walked into my club. I squeezed the glass tightly, feeling that at any moment it would break between my fingers. Until I felt Alexa's slender fingers slide down my arms in a caress. 

- I told you, Candece, but you still pitied her. - Her words were whispered coldly in my neck, causing a shiver all over my body - Karla doesn't deserve your compassion. 

- It's not her fault, it's Valentina's fault. - I said angrily. 

I felt Alexa smile on my back. Her hand went up to my shoulders where she squeezed slowly, in a slow and relaxing massage.

- It doesn't matter whose fault it is. We can't let our plan die now. We can't let Valentinatake Karla away from "Imperium", right?

Alexa spoke softly, while she let her wet lips slide along the full extent of my neck. And I just nodded. We had never gotten involved in a carnal way, but that night she seemed to want something more.

- Right. 

- Perfect. Now I want you to go down to the club's main floor. We know that Miss Issartel is there. And convince her that she will not regret meeting our poor dancer.

She said close to my ear, giving a small bite on my earlobe when she finished speaking. Iclosed my eyes and sighed, looking through the large glass window. Keana Marie was having fun at the expense of one of my dancers. If she would be the solution to my problem surely I would do it.

- Leave it to me, I'll do it.

Alexa smiled mischievously, winking at me.

- I will wait for you here to celebrate, Candece. - She said sitting in my chair.

I looked at her for the last time before leaving the office. I descended the stairs listening to the sensual sound of the music get stronger by the second, I passed among some important people that I talked about, until walking to the center where my target was. Keana smiled mischievously, with eyes that overflowed lust upon the dancer that swayed her hips sensually, half naked, in front of her. She was enjoying the little show, time or another she put some dollars on the elastic of the dancer's panties. I approached her slowly, and sat next to her on the brown leather couch. Keana let out a puff of air, letting the smoke of her cigarette spread through the environment. 

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