Chap 38 - Matter of knowing

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Luiza's POV

- You want me to forget about Karla Estrabao?

I asked the woman who stared at me in a firm and patient way. 

- I want her to exist only for me. And soon.

I loved that possessive way of Valentina, it made me love her even more. But I didn't understand where she wanted to go with that. I was already only hers. 

- What do you mean by that?

Valentina took a deep breath and smiled, bringing her hand over mine that rested on the table, where she began a light caress. 

- I want you to leave "Imperium". 

For a few seconds I was completely paralyzed, trying to figure out if I had heard that from her or if my imagination simply had gone too far.

- Luiza... - Valentina whispered, waking me up. 

- Are you serious?

- Yes, I thought that well, now that we are together you don't need to go there anymore. - Valentina spoke calmly as she drank her red wine.

- Valentina, me going there or not, it won't interfere with what we have, baby. - I spoke calmly.

- Of course it will. I don't want you there, exposing yourself like that. - She spoke serious.

- Until a week ago you liked it, and you didn't mind. - I let out indifferently. 

The woman rolled her eyes and huffed. 

- A week ago you weren't my girlfriend.

The atmosphere automatically got heavy, spreading the tension between us. 

- What does that change? We are just together officially. Nothing will change. 

- Obvious it will, Luiza! 

- In what? 

- In everything! You are mine now. 

- And I will always be, Valentina! 

- Not being there, dancing for those people. I want you to be only mine. 

- You are my girlfriend, Valentina, not my owner.

We stared at each other almost spitting fire. Amazing how everything was too good to be true. 

- Wow, I can't believe that you just said that. - She spoke standing up from the table, and in the same instant I regretted for being too rude. I stayed seated staring at Valentina that served herself a little bit more of red wine, to then look towards the rough sea. I stood up slowly and walked towards her. 

- I'm sorry. I just want you to understand, I can't leave. - I said touching Valentina's arms affectionately.

- What holds you there?

- I can't simply leave Candece aside. I can't give up on the project with her. 

- Project where only she gains, right? 

- Valentina, I also receive very well for it. 

- Luiza, you don't need it!

- If I'm there is because I need it. 

- I can give you everything you want, baby. 

- I don't want your money. 

- I don't want you there. Being with me you'll never need anything. 

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