Chap 57 - Two Sides (Epilogue Pt.2)

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Luiza's POV

I stood next to Dinah and Claire, seeing Valentina's helicopter take off. Through the glass window I could see the woman wave with a beautiful smile on her face. Our daughter raised her little hand to wave quickly in response. Soon the helicopter moved, flying away from the Albuquerque's Industry's building. I sighed heavily, with certain dissatisfaction. Receiving an attentive look from Dinah, who smiled weakly. 

- Come on, Lulu! Don't stay like that. – My best friend commented in the attempt to cheer me up.

I hated when Valentina had to travel, I hated to stay away from my wife. We were both totally busy women. Despite working relatively in the same place, we didn't come across much. We both had important positions, which demanded a lot of our attention. Lately we had promised to spend more time together, to spend time with our daughter and Sofi. As promise, Valentina made it clear that in the weekend of my birthday, which was on Sunday, our family would go to the cottage along with our closest friends and family, everything in a big celebration for my 31st birthday. Time flies, right? I know.

- Ah, Dinah. You know I don't like when she travels without me.

- I know, you stay with that frown every time she goes.

Dinah laughed as she walked back to the central elevator. I held my daughter's hand, leading her into the metal box.

- Mommy doesn't like to be alone. – Claire told Dinah.

- That's why you will sleep with her! You heard what Mama Valentina said?

- Yes! I'm going to sleep in the big bed! – She celebrated excitedly, making me smile.

- Atta girl!

Dinah extended her hand so that Claire high-fived it. The two were simply glued, I loved the affectionate relationship that existed between them. Many times my best friend offered to take care of my daughter when Valentina and I needed to travel for business, and honestly, there wasn't a better person to take care of her. After the breakup with Alfredo, Dinah was alone for some time. Which made me very sad, I loved their relationship and always expected a beautiful wedding. But over time we found out that the blonde had other interests, and well known. At Ally's and Troy's wedding party, Dinah told us along with Normani that they were dating. That really had been the surprise of the year, for all of us. The atmosphere weighed initially, which resulted in Alfredo distancing himself from us, but nowadays it was all very natural. He was dating a beautiful Canadian, and always came to visit us. 

- Where is Normani? – I asked when we got out of the elevator. 

- She's at "Imperium". She said she had to pay some suppliers today. 

- I don't know what I would do without Normani in that place. 

- My girlfriend is awesome, I know. – Dinah spoke smugly. 

- She is, but don't feel cocky about it, Jane. I also have a wonderful wife. 

- You say that for years, Lulu. I can't forget it.

We stayed for a few minutes in my office while I solved some Albuquerque's Industry's pending issues. Dinah had now taken over the position of general supervisor at the headquarters, and relied on Allyson's help, who controlled the financial sector. Honestly, Valentina was like a hurricane, not only in my life, but in everyone around me. Compared to our situation years ago, in which Ally, Dinah and I lived in a small apartment sharing economies, today we were much better than we imagined. With my ascension to the presidency, I saw as my duty to help both women who helped me throughout the years. And Valentina didn't question it, she knew the trust I had in my friends, or rather, in my sisters. Today, not only me, but all of us lived in a great financial situation.

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