Chap 33 - Falling into temptation

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "All That Matters by Justin Bieber", and when I point out again listen to "Confident by Justin Bieber" ;) 


Valentina's POV

I opened my eyes staring at the strong movement at the club's entrance. Today was her day. I took a deep breath seeking courage to go against my pride that screamed in an alarming way for me to get out of there. But the tequila shots that Vero practically forced me to drink, gave me enough strength to make the decision that in that night I just needed her. My stripper.

I got out of the car walking towards the entrance of "Imperium". The bouncer that already knew me enough just gave me passage to enter. The sensual beat of the music soon reached my ears. Two women almost half naked stared at me with a devilish smile, making me divert my gaze and follow towards the bar. Once I arrived at the bar I came across the brunette that was always there, Normani. I knew that she was one of Luiza's faithful musketeers inside "Imperium". I bet that she knew about the whole game. I tried to push away such thoughts of my head and then I called her.

Normani turned towards me, widening her eyes when she realized that I was there. She blinked a few times showing her evident nervousness and then she approached me. 

- Can I get you anything? 

- The usual. 

The woman nodded, placing a glass of Whiskey with ice on top of the counter. 

- Where's Luiza? - I whispered to the woman who looked at me confused.I rolled my eyes impatiently. 

- Karla. Where is she? 

- She's in her dressing room getting ready for her performance. 

- Can I talk to her? 

- Miss Albuquerque, it's not allowed the entrance of any customer in that area, unless the dancer has given the order.

- And is that really necessary? She'll want to see me anyways.

Normani looked at both sides and got closer.

- It would be better if you talked to her after the performance. Karla is starting in a few minutes.

I just nodded at the woman who smiled weakly. I drank all the liquid in my glass, asking her to fill it again. I walked away from the bar going towards the main stage where Karla would dance. On the way I came across Candece who stared at me curiously. The woman walked quickly towards me and I just huffed. I wasn't with the slightest humor to pretend to be nice.

- Well, well, look who's here! - Candece spoke excitedly raising her arms at me.

I didn't respond, just opened a forced smile at the woman who stopped in front of me, preventing me from continuing my path. 

- Did you come to admire my gem, Albuquerque? - The woman let out in an arrogant tone. 

I smiled cynically. 

- "Mine" you mean, right?

Candece shrugged, arching an eyebrow.

- Yours and of all the customers that watch her.

I could feel a hint of malice in her sentence, but I wouldn't let something like that get to me. 

- No, Miss Campbell, only mine. Something is ours when we possess it completely. 

- And you possess her? - She asked almost defiantly. 

- If I'm saying that she's mine, I presume so. - I cut the woman with black humor.

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