Chap 29 - Moments

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Luiza's POV

I opened my eyes just to make sure that I wasn't in a dream, we were exactly where we had fallen asleep last night, on the floor of the living room beside the fireplace that at this time didn't have anymore fire. I looked at the center table and saw the two glasses there with the rest of the liquid that we didn't even cared to finish. I looked at our clothes scattered on the floor and focused on Valentina's sweatshirt, I had the urge to grab it to feel her sweet perfume, when I realized that I didn't need to because I had the owner of the perfume lying beside me, face down with her naked back and the rest of her body covered by the blanket that was there. Her hair was perfect, the urge to run my hands through it was huge and I couldn't help myself, I just let the moment take me.

I ran my hands across her naked back going towards her hair in which I relaxed my hand and started a caress there, I put her hair to the side and I could see the marks on her neck that denunciated exactly what we had done last night, marks of love. Love. Valentina loved me and I loved her, hopelessly and madly. That woman is my beginning and my end. Yes, she is, my drug, my paradise in hell. 

I started to place kisses on the marks that were on her neck, and it was when the woman showed signs that she had woken up. 

- If every time we make love you wake me up like this, we will have to make love forever! - The brunette said with that husky voice, dragged and full of affection.

- If this is a request, you'll have to be clearer. - I whispered in her ear, full of second intentions, giving a little bite on her earlobe in the end. 

Second intentions that didn't go unnoticed by Valentina, who turned around completely naked, with her pale and soft skin that I could stay admiring for many years, and pulled me to her lap, sitting up right away with me, putting her mouth next to my ear to say: 

- I don't usually ask, Miss Campos. This clearly was an order. - She said with her arrogant and unique way, that way that shivered me from head to toe.

Valentina started to roam her hands on my naked back while distributing kisses on my neck, and only that was already driving me crazy.

I held on her hair that was already pretty messy from last night, and let out a small laugh when I remembered again what had happened. Not just yesterday, but the whole weekend.

It was when Valentina stopped what she was doing and looked at me with a pretty funny face.

- Am I tickling you, Miss Campos? - The brunette asked in such a cute way that only made me laugh again.

Valentina now looked at me with a not so good face for having cut her sexy moment, so it was when I decided to tease her a bit. 

- What, Miss Albuquerque? Have you lost your touch? - I asked in the most sarcastic way I could.

- You are playing with fire, Miss Campos. 

- I'm not afraid of getting burned. Come on, show me what you got. - I teased, dragging each word in the most sensual way I could

I could see the fire in Valentina's eyes and I knew it, I would surely come out burned, but I was rooting for it, I needed her touch, almost like a drug addict needs his drug. And she was my drug. There was desire in those irises that now had a dark tone, so dark that it gave an intense air to the moment. We stayed staring at each other, an already lost battle for me that soon looked down to her mouth, inviting and fleshy. I almost had no time to think about looking back up to her eyes because Valentina glued her body on mine and took my lips in a mind-blowing kiss. 

She kissed me with fury, with arousal and with hunger. I lost myself with each second. One of her hands went to my neck, tangling her fingers on my hair and pulling it back, having full access to my neck. I moaned when she began to suck on it, which clearly was driving me to the edge and she knew it. But she was also playing, and I would show her that I also knew how to play, and very well. 

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