. jo wvttz .

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____a mahji and johnny love story____


mahji point of view


"you so hungry all the time" mahj laughed at her best friend jo

"yo stop lyin" he pushed me while eatin his sandwich

"you droppin shit on the ground fat ass" i pointed at the stuff from his sandwich that was falling out as he ate it

"i'm still eating though" he swallowed on his food

"i hate you" i laughed joking wit him

"no you don't" he mugged

"how you gon tell me" i mugged back

he grabbed me by my neck and kissed me and then pulled away biting into his sandwich again.

"you still hate me" he asked with his mouth full

"close your mouth when you chew" i told him rolling my eyes playfully

we walked and i drank my bev as we just passed people on the block. i was enjoying our moment together until a seen people running. before i got the chance to look up all i heard was shots.

johnny pulled me and i was down on the ground. he tried to get me to follow his direction but i felt limp. he pulled me with him as he ran back in the direction of the deli but, i just felt limp still. the car had pulled off and i sat on the ground outside the laundry mat we ended up in front of and looked down seeing i was shot in my lower stomach.

"what the fuck, what the fuck" he mumbled to himself

i held my wound tossing my head back.

"shit" he pulled out his phone

i was mentally panicking but physically it wasn't much i could do.

"i'm gettin the hospital just breathe okay" johnny said looking hella worried

"j hurry up please" i said lowly as tears started to fall from my eyes

before we knew it the same car spun back letting off a few more shots being closer to us. i felt a pain go through my chain before being pulled completely into the laundry mat.

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