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The lottery picks a random winner to be chosen for lots of cash, but this one is different in this world.

In this world, people can't risk losing the big one but hope for the big win.

The big win is millions of dollars, or at least 10,000 dollars, that can put you out of debt.

Most people are in debt here in this world or have a hard time earning money.

They use the lottery as a last resort to get back on their feet.

Lottery winning is quite common, which is why so many risk their own lives for it.

That's why Walt is here; he's in major debt and has no place to go.

So if he lost, it would not matter, and would anyone care?

First off, he has no family left; he knows nobody.

Some people like him join for the sake of depression, actually hoping to lose once.

but losing is rare. Only 4 people are picked each day, and 10 win something; the rest gain nothing.

He wants to win or lose this time because last time he got nothing.

Actually, the last 13 times, it has to be this time because number 13 was on the slip he picked out of the jar.

People sat in rows of at least 200 people here, all adults and men.

Maybe because the population of men is way too high compared to the population of women.

and because of that, they can't risk dying unless they get a permit.

BTW, I am a woman myself, but for the sake of this, I don't want us women to be hurt, and I like men. You'll find out later why this is

The numbers being called were the winners.

96, 97, and 98


Someone got up and cheered.

woooo hooooooo!

Then he started crying, thankful he had won and not lost his life.

then another 3 won 20k.

then another two won $30,000.

Another two won $50,000.

No one won one million this time.

dam It looks like I'm going to lose again. walts thought

Now comes the part where everyone holds their breath.

The four chosen to be sacrificed for the god of night terror

Walts opened his letter again and started shaking.

A man with a worried face beside him whispered, Good luck, pal.

and I overheard someone in the next row back saying, Thank God I don't have number 13 like that guy. I heard number 13 is the most picked number for the losers.

Watson was more sacred than ever.

Number 1 was called

Numbers 101 and 69 were called

Walt's were almost there, and he crossed his fingers.

One man was being dragged away since he tried to run.

He was kicking and screaming.

Number 13 again? The speaker called

Walts started to panic. His heart was racing and he could not move.

Some guards went out to check everyone's numbers.

The man beside him looked in shock, and the man beside him was full of regret since he just jinxed him.

Dude, pass it to me, he said out of guilt, hoping to remove his stupid remark about a mistake of judgment.

but Walt could not move. Life flashed before his eyes.

Finally, the guard found him shaking, and they took him away.

He wanted to rewind back in time in hopes of undoing the effect that just happened now.

He wanted to start his life over. He wanted to have a better life.

Unfortunately, he lost it and the chance to renew himself. Now no one's going to pay off the debt. Now crap, dan it for the money lenders and student loans.

He was dragged and thrown into the wagon, where the losers and the other two men were taken.

A man was still struggling, so they had to put him in handcuffs on the wagon for him to calm down.

One was crying, one was praying for some reason, and then Waltson

He did not cry or pray; he did not at all put up a fight. This was the end of the line for him.

game over!

game over!

game over!

It's the final moments of his poor life—the few last final breaths and thoughts as well.

game over!

game over!

game over!

game over!

He regretted so much in his life until the wagon started to move. One of them said

Remember the plan? One guy who was crying had a sword with gold and silver lettering.

Wait, was he saved? Was this a plan of action?

but he locked up now that the prayer pointed

The man who was cuffed said, I forgot we had a plan. Sorry, my parents died in this.

Walts finally spoke and asked what the plan was.

Don't you remember the plan to kill him with this sword?

The three of them looked at him, and the prayer you not Alvan, are you?

Walt hooked his head

The three of them looked at each other.

Ok, no big deal, we just need to improvise. The man with the sword whispered into the group hug.

Of course, Alvan will ditch him; he was the bait, and I bet he did not even enter the lottery.

I can be it instead. Walts asked the three of them, looking at him.

like I have a choice anyway, and if it ends up killing the giant, Im in

Those might have been his last words when the wagon stopped.


So hoped you enjoyed the 1st chapter I wonder why I'm making this but whatever anyway 

sorry for the cliffhanger

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