Nightmares of the past

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When he was a child, he lived with his family, and they were poor.

Sometimes they can barely have food on the table, and sometimes they have none.

but that did not matter because they had each other and they all got along well until the fire threw itself across the land of hope and crushed the house to rumbles. The happy life fell deep into the depths of despair, regret, and loss. Mother, father, brother, sister, forgive me that I was not there with you when it happened.

Watson wished he was there with them in that fire and died with them. He hoped he would die in that lotto and give someone else another chance to live another day.

He could have been a good scarffice, but unfortunately he was stuck living around in the demi gods hands. At least it's not like the last dream he had; it was sinful, right? but he can't control what he thinks in his dreams or what the dreams are about. The negativity was overwhelming him until

snap! It sounded like a snap of fingers just turned things around, and the atmosphere changed.

It looked more positive. There were wispy clouds in the sky, the sun was shining, and the grass was flowing in the breeze.

Pink butterflies flutter everywhere. It was wonderful and pretty.

Watson never had a dream like this before, and he never had such a peaceful moment before. It was relaxing, and his overthinking stopped and he was taken in by the senses of the land itself. It was so undreasonable and hard to believe this was happening in his dream, but he was grateful to finally be at peace. He closed his eyes and relaxed, listening to his surroundings. He heard a bird near a tree singing a melody.

It was the best dream Watson ever had. He never wanted to wake up, but when he opened his eyes, he noticed he was in a nightteror's embrace, still, right where he was before you awake now? The Demi God questioned in a smooth tone that Watson liked.

The tree woman chuckled and complimented how adorable the human was.

I think weak men are supposed to be strong and powerful, but then again, why wouldn't they tremble in their god's presence? Arch mumbled.

Watson was confused and stayed still while talking about nonsense and demi-god stuff that Watson did not understand because it became muffled and his ears started to ring a little.

guessing night terror did not want Watson had to hear what Arch had to say, and he heard muffled arguing.

But Watson felt safe in his protectors grasp, and he will not let go just yet. Tears were about to fall, but hearing came back, and he noticed Arch stomped off and Night Terror picked up Watson and walked away.

Oh, come on, guys, don't act like children. The woman spoke before she faded away. Watson returned to reality. Was he being carried back to his room? No wait, they passed the door where his room was. Oh no, he thought, and he started to panic a little.

Don't panic; you'll be fine. We're just going to go somewhere else. Watson believed his words and hoped they would be true. Unfortunately, it might not be that they were headed to the basement. Watson thought of going downstairs.

Nighterror put him down and ordered him to follow. He pushed a brick in the wall to open a hidden door that slowly crept open.

leading to another path of stairs, and it was dark night. Terror lit a candle, and they slowly walked down. Watson was nervous and worried. Was he going to get punished? Was he in trouble? What did he do wrong?

Don't worry, you'll be fine. just going to show you something Terror confronted his worries.

Watson was less concerned, and they slowly walked down the stairs. A little mouse spqueaked and hid inside the crack in the wall. There were spiderwebs everywhere, and there were no windows. Watson noticed something he did not like and made him stop in place.

It looked like a bunch of tutored devices, and the smell was horrendous. Watson was for sure going to get punished, and he started to shake and his breathing started to hitch.

This was the room-night terror. Should he have gone earlier for a split second?

Night terror noticed this and groaned, Look, you're not going to be hurt. It's in the next room. I want to show you something. He opened a back door that had a weird green glow. Watson stepped in, and after a few deep breaths, he saw potions, a bookshelf of old books, and an empty caldrun.

Then he noticed where his glow came from; it was a pool of green goo, and he saw little ghosts inside. It was scary and concerning, but they seemed happy and enjoying themselves while flowing in the pool.

These souls were my secrets at one point. night terror voice made Watson's head turn toward night terror.

These spirits were unhappy in life just like you until I gave them hope and entered into rest with dreams that they needed or desired. Watson was confused and looked closer; they all seemed happy or sleeping.

Well, you could end up here if you want. If you desire to die and are ready, let me know. I can give you the peace he offered.

Watson was hesitating; he was unsure: does he really want this? Hes been throwing so much, overcame challenges, and survived so much. Does he want to throw it all away? He considered it a few times, but to no avail. He chickened out last minute. or not end up even trying.

He wanted to end all the misery, but he had some hope left. He decided to say maybe one day, but not for now. He was in a better place since he got here, and it was not perfect yet, but it was nice. Night Terror was kind enough to spare his life and give him mercy; he did not want to throw that away. So he decided no, but maybe one day.

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