Ties and Ropes

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Tide and ropes are the worst of the worst for Giants. What could go wrong? Can they snap? Maybe that's what Watson thought in his mind.

Maybe he was not cut out for this; maybe his life will go to waste, or even worse, if they all get killed in the city, it will be destroyed for angering him.

200 years ago, this giant appeared out of nowhere and claimed to be God. He controls the sky, the wind, the rain, and lightning from the sky, and he strikes anywhere he wants.

150 years ago, people tried to attempt to kill him and be free once again, but failed, leaving thousands of soldiers dead on the battlefield in a city in ruin as a warning.

If we fail this time, who knows? It could be worse than last time, and who knows? He might not even give Mercy to survivors. The city will crumble under lightning again and flood throughout the streets. Heck, it might be the opposite of the drought that's been happening lately and might even worsen.

His name is Night Terror; you could probably see why he's the terror of the night, and when that wagon stopped, there was no turning back.

No, going back home was this or nothing chance to save the world in his best interest.

The only thing was that he hoped there was a backup plan just in case this failed, but most importantly, let's hope for the best that it doesn't fail.

Step out of there, all four of you.

They all stepped all the way back again. Watson's hands are sweaty, and you feel like he's going to faint.

The guy asked for each person's name; of course, it was Watson this time instead of the guy that ditched the group. They all nodded.

He's not here. I'm taking it instead since he didn't come by. Watson spoke up when the guy was worried about fear in his face.

And you're okay with that. The guy questioned, Yes, it's worth a shot.

The cloud third year darkens the day. Lightning looks like it was about to strike. Electricity went for the clouds, then bloopers of wind like a tornado were summoned, and a big Flash of lightning strikes the giant.

He was tall, he had horns, and he had the giant wings of a bat.

He had no eyes until they appeared, all four of them.

He wore this giant clock around his neck as a necklace. His skin was white as snow and pale. He dressed in noble and fancy clothes, but they looked like the night sky with stars with a bluish tone.

It was terrifying to see Night Terror himself; if he can do that, who knows what else he's capable of doing? He had the feeling that the clock around his neck represents something they have not prepared for.

Watson was not picked up; some other guy was picked up; the guy with the list fled; the other two grabbed all their sores; and God looked angry.

Thank you, foolish plan will work. He smashed The other two and ate one of them.

Watson heard screeching and screening; some of the guards were not prepared, but fire was shot. Fireballs are also shot arrows, spears, and ropes around the wrists of the god.

It did not move for a moment, then for another moment.

Everyone cheered, thinking he was down.

Watson was relieved and smiled.

Unfortunately, The Giant took a deep breath and disappeared into the ground like a shadow. It appeared Outside the trap.

If he was this powerful, there was no chance we could beat him. Watson thought

Walton's smile. disappeared in an instant and started screaming. Some ran for their lives, and others kept shooting those Spears and fireballs at the fire trebuchet, yet it was too late.

Watson ran for it and hid in a ditch at the side of the hill. He prayed that he would be okay and hoped for the city to be spared. He started to cry. The screams went down. No sound was left but his cries until the giant found him.

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