Inside the castles mouth

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Watson was blushing hard; his ears were even red as a tomato night terror. He chuckled with an evil smile.
Are you ready?
Terror got onto the bed and started to make a sitting position on top of the covers.
He picked up Waltson and held him again near his lap.
Watson tried to squirm away, but to no advantage; he couldn't get away.
Watson was slightly aroused by the fact that he was near terror's lap. He was panicking. A little heavyweight was above him. He was small and fragile and was heavy breathing with fear or excitement. He could not tell. It was something that he had never known about moments like these.

Are you done squirming yet? His thoughts were interrupted by an angry, booming voice.

Watson stopped right away and was prepared for anything. He closed his eyes and held his breath.

Your are such an adorable little human being, you deserve all of this, and you will love it. That made Watson have shivers down his spine until there was a knock at the door.

Iceberg, master of the night I was wondering if you wanted biscuits in the morning.
Night Terror was annoyed by this worst time again. He opened the door for them. The iceberg jumped and a little blush was shown on the pale skin. Sorry, sir, you must have been very tired from today. I forgot about that. I won't interrupt you again.

He was shaking a little.

Night terror sighed, scolded him, and ordered him to not let anyone else interrupt him until morning, no matter what. No exceptions. He slammed the door, and Icebergs swore he saw the little human in his grasp but shrugged it off.

Night terror was relieved, and he looked down at Watson. Watson was exactly where this was going to go; he knew God was
mad, but to his surprise, he smirked.

He sat back on the bed with Watson on top of his lap again. He ordered Watson to take his clothes off. He hesitated but finally obeyed. He felt a sudden rush through his body. He was being hand-held by both hands.
The feeling of his fingers going up and down on his groin was irresistible. He moans when the rubbing goes faster, which makes night terror smile. It was assumed that his little toy was enjoying this as much as he was.

He wondered why the pain felt so good when the pain was gone for a moment right before a finger was put in his mouth. Of course, he was choking on it, and that made him stop moaning, but below his hip line, he felt warm, and it sped up a little.
He felt the grip of night terrors loosen when he cum all over himself.
It was his first organism in a long time.

Night Terror looked pretty pleased at the sight of the little human. Watson wanted more, and the next thing shook him to his core.
Night terror brought him up to his mouth, and he started licking his crotch with his tongue.

Watson was on the high end of joy; he enjoyed this so much.
He complained a second time that he wanted this to go on forever and never stop, and Night Terror stopped for some reason.

Damn nerve to let me touch you was incredible. He mumbled, and with amusement, Watson. I was so out of it and wanted to continue, but night terror had other ideas. He placed his thumb on Watson's dickey a little longer, and then he licked his

Body about three times until his tongue wrapped around his small body and the world went dark. Watson snapped out of it right away when the room went dark, still as hard as a rock, but his instincts started kicking in.

He was in the mouth of a giant. He started to panic and squirm along the tongue, only to feel hopeless.
A low hum was behind him, assuming it was from night terrors. He wanted out; he did not want to die; he wanted to escape.
Suddenly, he heard a snap. It sounded similar to night terrors: fingers snapping, then his body growing hot from top to bottom.
He felt embarrassed; his instincts no longer took over, and his fear washed away. He could not control his body; it was like a puppet on strings. He was stroking his dick and humping the tongue below him. He was not in control at this moment.
He did not have a choice but to run away. He went faster and faster until he came on top of the night terror tongue. He heard a low growl when the roof closed in and felt he was moving side to side, swishing inside the cave of the mouth before him.

He heard another snap, and he was able to speak with words again. Please let me go. Watson shouted at the stop of his lungs. He was no longer enjoying this. He wanted a break. He banged his fist against night terror razor sharp teeth with his fist but should not stop stroking his dick.

He begged for mercy. He heard terror terrifyingly. He asked yes, beg more. Watson skittered away from the teeth that moved as quickly as he could, still stroking his dickey pants, and he came again. It was a lot this time, but his hand did not stop like it was no longer his or his doing. He wanted it to be done already. He needed a break. He needed a moment to catch his breath.

I thought you could handle it all night long. Mare's chuckles made the walls vibrate.

He heard one last snap and
Soon enough, Watson was let out of the mouth, his arm was free from the trance or spell, and he relaxed, his duck lowered, and he was satisfied. In the end, night terror was looking at his helpless body, but all Watson Chou did was pant and breathe heavily.
That was good. It felt too good. Nothing will top that feeling for sure until nightmares tell him that this is only day 1. He whispers, Wait till tomorrow, human.

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