Castle on the way

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At the market, the place was packed with so many people you could barely breathe, and people were selling odd and ends. No one here seemed to be a human monster; claws crawled on the floor; eyeballs flew; slime blobs; water people; some were demonic-looking; and some even looked cute, cuddly, and fluffy.

Of course, Wallace was stuck in a bird cage and was being carried by night terror icebergs following behind them, ever so skittish towards everything and everyone here.

Waltson assumed that this was her people; he asked Iceberg if this was your type of people. Waltson asked, and they replied, No, I have never been anywhere outside the castle, so I don't know.

Night interrupted Only talk when talked to, and no, we are on the bar side of the city, and it seems it has gotten worse.
yuck! I stepped into slime. How outrageous! The slime put the shelves back together and scrambled away from them.
Waltson wondered what place they were from, and maybe he will get to see it, and hopefully it's prettier than this smelly place.

Then This was interesting because they stumbled across an alleyway and an exit seemed to have raged curtains as a door, and when they entered, the place was full of ingredients and potions that a witch could make, and it was organized, and everything was priced on the shelves or tables like a Walmart would, but in a language Waltson had never seen before.

It turns out the guy in the shop was a plague doctor—not a witch, weird enough—but their eyes were like part of the mask, weird enough, and he had a top hat as well. He also looked older and looked like a human in a robe would in the 18th century, like when the black plague happened.

Welcome nighttorror, let me guess the lost count on teleports this time around, he chuckled.

Night terror I'm annoyed, so you can see the future of me coming and what I want, but you can't tell me anything about my future dominance of the world.

No, I mean, you came here for that teleporting or my foresight. I did not use foresight for a long time and refused to do so.
Anyway, I like it or need something else.

Iceberg jumped in and asked nicely for some teleportation stones. The plague doctor nodded and was on it.
He handed her a stone that seemed to glow oddly enough, and she gave him five golden pebbles and returned four slivers.

Waltson wondered how the money system worked; it seems different from human currency.

Iceberg and the others were about to leave until he pointed at Waltson.
What's that night terror answered, or did I stunk this loyal human? Why do you ask? You want it.
Waltson was worried. Oh no, he did not want to be the ingredients for a potion or something.

The plague wanted to say something, but night terror told him too bad he's mine, and so they finally left.

Back to the streets of the cruel downtown rundown

Waltson was quiet the whole time.

He never expected that there were monsters here and so many
Let alone believing that they exist too, was remarkable.

His eyes widen in amazement when he sees the hills of flowers and a long stone path beyond the horizon in the distance between the hills.

Night terror fakes coughs and says
If you think this is pretty, wait till you see my castle.

He picked the rock out of his pocket, then


It was thrown to the ground, and it summoned a portal. Waltson was maxed out at the size of the castle.
He was surprised that it was like a giant castle at night. Terrors said he just couldn't believe it was beautiful. Add the flags of some unknown country to him, and he will be floating in the air, waving.

Well, Watson, this is your new home forever now. terror chuckled The doors of the giant gate were opened like in all fantasy books, then I walked inside into a beautiful yard of flowers and trees, and then, through another door, I saw the castle itself. It had a big, open main room where the throne was in the back. It was a giant throne.

Big enough that a giant would sit on it. The place was huge, like if he can change into a giant form at any moment, there's a staircase up at the top, where he assumed the rooms were. The next door was Chapman's room, full of gems, crystals, and potions. Three maids were still in a straight line and welcomed their master home. They were dismissed and went back to cleaning.

In a quarter of Waltson's eyes, he saw someone who looked like he was in some magic room. He wanted to see the magic.

Maybe later, little human terror looked into Watson's eyes without Waltson realizing that they were going upstairs.
He passed mini rooms, but at the end of the hall was a giant room big enough to fit a giant; it's always the door, and then another room for a regular size. They went into that one.

They enter the room. Night terror locked the door behind him. He let the change go. On a desk nearby, there was a closet full of clothes, some very fancy to fancy and gold to a nice single warm robe.
Watson can see outside the glass window that it is turning dark. The curtains were closed by night terrors pulling a string.

And I looked at Walton's way.
Night terror clapped his hand twice, and the light dimmed.
Waltson assumed he was going to bed soon, but he came, unlocked the cage, and tossed him onto the bed. Wright escaped from the cage. The bed was nice, but the mattress was too soft. He could have sunk into it if he were not careful.

So where are we back at the hotel? Night terror asked, making Watson blush, knowing what's going to happen next.

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