no not that god

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No, not that god.

Walston was terrified. No, this can't be. He was supposed to be the good guy, he thought.
The giant laughed, seeing that his reaction was shock, unable to move. It was hilarious to him because it was so obvious, but the human didn't know.

Waltson thought he was the opposite of the devil with the cross.
but instead, he was worse, evil, and cruel, and the giants face turned from a smirk to a frown.

Oh, you mean that guy? Is that why you plead and beg prayer for him and not for me? the one that was stuck around when the others left.

The other gods of this dimension got bored apparently and saw no point in sticking around thinking, Let's make another dimension and have fun there instead, and they left all you mortals behind. Guess who stayed behind? I guess me.

Watson was shocked; he will never have left them, right? He was confused, concerned, and bothered to believe his lies, even if they were lies.

He's the only God that everybody knows and has seen for centuries, and Melania
He has to be lying; this can't be because he's lying, right? Watson shivered up, and his thoughts started to form in his eyes. He tries to wipe them away and hide his face, but his thoughts cannot be hidden.

Don't believe me, that's fine. You don't need to anyway since you weren't honouring me. I thought you were. I guess I got to teach you your place?
Wilson was scared, and he gasped for air. He felt like he was having a panic attack and was terrified.

What's his thought? He has travelled from one side of his head to the other, thinking about all the times he prayed to his superior, only to find out that maybe he was left behind with the rest of his kind.

Pierce stopped crawling down his face, and he accepted his fate. This was it. This was the end. He was going to be punished, and he's not going to like it.

He stepped into the world with the wrong foot and the wrong place at the wrong time. Also notice that his family always honoured the other one other than the giant.

before he lost them all. He ran away one day very young and never has returned since, which must have been a big mistake in his life. His second biggest mistake was entering the lottery and risking it all.

He had an occasional argument here and there with his parents. Yes, they were very strict on who he could be with and what he could do with his life. His life was planned out for him, but deep down, he knew maybe they cared about him and wanted him to succeed.
Unfortunately, he was never good at school; he was never good at things he wanted him to be, so he left one big argument and threatened to be kicked out.

Instead of being kicked out, he left without a word, grabbing his things.
The thing he knew was that he was gay, of course, in a Christian household. Who knows if they ever found out to be left on the streets anyway?

Good moments and bad moments Flash before his eyes, he looked up to the giant, who was apparently amused.
He felt like he was living a bad dream. No nightmare, no living-night terror
That's why they call him Nighterror.

I enjoyed that little show I gave you, and are you done yet? Waltson stared at him some more before nodding his head. Whatever was in store for him was going to be the last thing.
Night terror opened the door of the cage, picked him up, and asked for any last words. Night terror licked his lips.

Walton was in the palm of his hand; he couldn't move; it was like he was paralyzed with some sort of spell that he could not break free. He closed his eyes, thinking if only he could make up for it and willing to do whatever it takes to go back to his freedom.
That made the giant stop what he was doing and make an evil grin.
That gave me a terrible idea.

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