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Watson was brought back upstairs, and he was glad to be in his room. He was thankful, even though he might be a prisoner here. It did not seem like it, but he was not complaining.

Watson was ordered to get dressed and ready for bed, and he saw a closet of clothes. Some looked more like pyjamas or sleepwear. He picked one of those and got to the bathroom to change and brush his teeth. He was hungry, but he guessed there would be no dinner tonight, unfortunately.

He wondered when his next meal was, but he would have to wait until morning. He went to bed after he turned off the lights. He was thankful to be in a wonderfully warm bed, and he fell asleep almost in an instant.


Night terror was waiting for him to rest in a deep slumber. He was also tempted to tease the little mortal dream into a nightmare but resisted because he suffered enough. but he does need to be punished at some point for embarrassing him in front of other Demi gods.

He was so angry at Arch, but he knew it was his fault for bringing him to the meeting. He also did not misbehave other than not letting go of him and crying. He also had to give him a positive dream to keep him from trebling in his sleep.

It was annoying and made him so sorry for himself. Why does the god of chaos have remorse for this mortal? Why did he let it live, and why did he try to make him feel better?

Whatever did not matter to him in any way, he did not care, right? He has no feelings for this mortal or for forgiveness. He must punish him tomorrow morning, first thing after breakfast. He must somehow find a reason to punish one way or another.

Watson can't catch a break in his dreams, which keep turning into nightmares.
Or they end up as wet dreams for some reason.

He was starting to get tired of it.
Last night was another wet dream.
It was the same one back at the hotel.
His protector was there again. He couldn't stop thinking of being a helpless little human in his giant hands, using him as a toy.

It would not leave his mind as well; it stood there for a while until there was a knock at the door.
Mr. Watson, breakfast is ready. It was an iceberg. Watson went to open the door and asked her before she left.

Am I allowed to leave my room?

She nodded and signalled for me to follow her.
Watson did so.

Once she led him to another door, she opened it and let him inside.

Once at the dining room, the table was big and cozy, and there was a decent amount of food, almost like in the movies where there is tons of food.

The food was kind of good.

And night terror was already sitting at the other end.

Watson was ordered to sit, and so he sat down.

He waited patiently to be able to eat.
Whats wrong, not to your liking?

Night terror asked

No, of course, it looks amazing. Am I allowed to start eating some?

Night Terror was intrigued, and he answered yes.

Watson grabbed some chicken to put on his plate and finally started eating.

He soon realized that night terror was watching him very closely.

Watson was wondering why he had not started.

A grin glowed on his face when he took another bite.

Once he swallowed his mouth full, he asked, Are you going to have some?

Night terror frowned. No, I'm good. You just go ahead.

Watson started to worry that maybe it was poison or something. He started to hesitate.

I will eat it if I can, but human food makes me ill and
Don't worry, im good for now night terror tryied to reinsure him to continue eating.

Once Watson was done eating some more of the food, he ate a little of each dish.
He asked if he could be excused.

Night terror, with a smile, answered, Yes, go ahead, but only to your room. Wait for me there.

Watson left and wanted to clean his plate in the dish washer, but night terror told him to leave it be.

Watson complied and went to his room, trying to remember where it was.

Night terror watches him leave, and an evil grin appears, knowing the illusion spell worked.

In a snap of his fingers, the food transformed into something else.

It was a horror feast full of blood.
Most of the animal parts

Watson felt sick to his stomach and started barfing in the bathroom.
He was dizzy as hell and had a headache. Was it something he ate that made him sick, or was he poisoned after all?
He could not bear the pain and ended up fainting on the bathroom floor. Unfortunately, he was very lucky.
He did not lock the door.

Night Terror came in and saw his precious human on the floor. He thought he was dead for a second until he started groaning in pain.

It seems that you are unwell. It must have been that chicken you ate, so let me help you get to your bed.

Watson looked up but could not move.

Night Terror sighs, picks him up, and places him on the bed. Watson blushed, and dirty thinking crossed his mind.
He was laid gently on his back, and of course Watson tried to cover his face.
Night terror was on his bedside.
Sitting on the bed, he whispered, Get well, human.

Then Watson fell asleep into a slumber, although he might have had a nightmare.

Who knows, maybe he will have a nice dream at last.

Unfortunately, it did not end up that way; it ended terribly. He was being chased by a giant hand, and it grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Let me go!" Watson screamed his lungs out, only to hear an evil laugh that sounded too familiar.

Watson closed his eyes, knowing he was not going to like this.

The gaint placed him on the palm of his hand.

"Please don't eat me!" Watson yelped

Watson wanted to live.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was at a table.

The same table that was earlier for breakfast that he had, but the food was different. This time it looked like guts and bones.
Watson wanted to throw up again.

What matters, not to your liking? Nighterror spoke with a tease.

Watson looked at his plate. It was not chicken; it was liver.

His head spinned, and then he woke up in a room he did not recognize at first, but when he looked around more, he realized that he was in the guest room. He tried to get out of bed.
Only to hear a chain rattle from the bedframe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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