Saved by a knock at the door

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Waltson was scared for his life because defending himself for what he thought and did was at his life's expense. His life depended on an answer, but his mind was blank, and he was wondering what to say or do.

He squirmed a little, trying to break loose and run away, but he was weak compared to Night Terror's hand.
He can do whatever to Waltson, and he was thinking dirty because that was what he thought he was thinking of having fun with.
Since he was right at his fingertips, he literally could do anything.

I'm waiting for an answer. Terror growled. All Waltson could say was stuttering words of how sorry he was and begs to be let go and to live tonight. Terror looks at him with an emotionless face. Once back at my castle, I can properly torture you myself, and you will be bleeding all over the floor, and no one will ever be able to stop me. His face was leaning very close—too close to Walton for his liking.

I will give you a second chance here, but one peep game over.

Waltson was about to question what he meant until
The terror's thumb went up and down on the little man's whole body, and he responded to it quickly, covering his mouth.

If you make one noise of enjoyment, you will be squashed by me. Night Terror was strict about this when his thumb rubbed against his buddy, making the little man tremble.

All Walton could think about was how good it felt and how he must not show it because his life depended on it.
He felt icky below his belt and wanted it to continue, but unfortunately, the knock at the door introduces them. Night Terror sighs and throws Wallace back into the golden cage. He locked it with the snaps of his fingers and a single click.

He left the room, leaving Waltson behind as a terrified mess. Walton's face was covered in red blush up to the tips of his ears. He would not let go of his hand overnight. In his mouth, he shivered like there was a sudden cold breeze.

He wondered what would happen to him once he got back. Will he be killed? No, he said he would bring him to his castle and torture him. Will he die then? Who knows, his brain was racing in a horse race and making him wonder off inside.

He hoped that Nightteror liked it too, but there is no doubt he did not. He had blushed like a giant had blushed, but maybe he was just as embarrassed as he was. If only he had not made the odd noise in front of him, maybe the moment would have continued.
But to no effect, he was not a good person. Night terrors were a monster, but why did he desire to be broken by them?
Until the door opened and was slammed. He must escape; he must run; he must hide. The night terror was ferocious.
Waltson tried to get himself to hide, but his body did not move.
Night terror sat down and collapsed on the desktop. He grumbled something and sighed again. He picked up a pen and paper.

He mumbled a few unknown words, some more, and the pen and paper began to write. It was like magic.

So far, the god has talents in magic he can list off.
Levitating is one size, 2 and 3 are mind reading, and that shadow one, well, it seemed unreal; it was like a shadow transformation, so maybe 4 powers he is so like a god he is the only one maybe? Maybe not. Who knows?

Night terror interrupts his thoughts; I only have three, and I used a scroll to transform into a shadow from another godly friend of mine. He answered like he was still reading his thoughts.
Waltson asked shyly, Can you please stop reading my mind? It kind of bothers me. He complained that night terror scuffed. I can't help it; it does not have on and off switch powers like mine, which can come with side effects sometimes and consequences if not used properly.

Waltson was shocked with this information but wondered more and had more questions, like scrolls: what side effects can mortals get from this magic or scroll? If so, what will happen? Will it go to the wrong hands?

Night terror grumps Can you stop thinking like a race horse because I'm trying to think myself, which slowed down Watson's thinking, and try not to ask any more questions and maybe think more quietly to hope it will be better?

Thank you that a lot better night terror politely thanked him; that was unexpected from him. Waltson wondered his head again but stopped himself this time, trying not to let his mind wander off into outer space.

At least he's not thinking of what happened early anymore until he blushed again, remembering he really tried to shake it off, knowing thinking dirty can be worse for him at this moment, and yet the pen was dropped, startling him.

Oh no, he screwed up again. He thought only to see that the paper scroll was rolled up and disappeared into thin air sparks, kind of like how night terror teleported with the windstorm.

By the way, I have teleportation stones and scrolls that can be self-teleported once finished being written in
Witch reminds me I'm completely out of the stones since yesterday, so I'm going to buy some today and hope I can get back to my castle.
Then another knock at the door. Hey sir, we have been rent-free since I settled down with the hotel owner after the fight earlier.

Good, because I only got enough to get one teleporting stone, so follow me. We are leaving to get one, so we can head back to my castle right away.

The fem boy icebergs bows and starts to pack his things, and nigh-terror did so as well with his levitating, of course.
OK, soon enough, they were on their way to the market to see loads of people.

A/N, that was longer than usual.

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