gardens sweetness

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Shivers went down his spine when Night Terror was about to leave the room until Watson got a hold of his coat and thought

Please don't hurt them. She's a nice person. Please punish me, not her. She's kind of a soul.

Tears poured out of his eyes. He looked up to see him confused. I was not going to hurt her; she just had to cook 100 loaves of bread all by herself and figure out how to get rid of it without wasting it.

Only to see an iceberg there confused

I told you not to feed our prisoners. He snapped. She was shocked. Im sorry. I was told to by

She covered her mouth, realizing she had nearly gotten someone in deep trouble.

Ah, fine. Whatever you get, whoever told you later to bake that bread?

He dismissed her, and she was relieved but worried at the same time.

Watson was starting to calm down. He shivered when Night Terror leaned in close and looked a little frustrated.
I promise a friend of mine that I won't hurt their favorite doll, but I can hurt my prisoners or worse.

Or I can give them gifts like that outfit.
Of yours, he clapped his hands. The outfit was replaced with more worn-down cloth, the necklace was gone too, and they were teleported into a dungeon terror.
He claps his hands again.
But this time he was back in the outfit before but teleported into a garden.

But will do that later if you misbehave, so behave yourself. Watson was concerned and confused but agreed that it was in his best interests to do as he said.

He sees a blue-tree-like person with lantern earrings at the table, as well as an armored man of darkness.
Kinda like a dark knight

Awwww, looks who's here? The tree person asked who this little fella Watson was hiding behind his protector terror, but of course, he laughed and said, You should be more scared of me. The tree nodded, and the armored man scuffled with annoyance.

Hi, my name's Watson. He answered her question, which was a little shaky, but was able to speak. He had never seen such people before; who knows, they might also be gods as well.

The guy in armor looked at him with his helmet for eyes. I'm afraid you better listen to your gods.
His legs started to shake, but he nodded, and the tree girl answered, Mother, lantern tree, or just call me the lantern. This arch and do not mind his rudeness mortal.

She's smiling nicely and seems to be kind and gentle. Where Arch was not, NightTerror was kind of in the middle. He's kind but can be mean if needed to do so. Night terror sat at the table, but there were only three chairs. He noticed that night terror signaled to go on his lap.
He was hesitant but obeyed. He was still smaller than night terror. His normal height looks like it, but he can't tell if he's 4'8 feet or not. Either way, he's still a lot smaller than night terror. He assumed he was 6 feet or something.

He heard a chuckle and an evil lunatic laugh from Arch. Soon his head was forced into the night terror's chest, and his hair was softly touched like a head scratch.
He instantly calmed down and snuggled closer to the tall being. He felt safe and comfortable.
He heard an aw, how adorable, most likely from the lantern, and heard Arch say something about being impressed.

Wings wrapped around Watson; they were soft and pretty. He wanted to pet them and move but was too lazy to move an inch. His senses relaxed, and all he could hear was his protector's breath and heartbeat. He was about to fall asleep until

OK, you can get off now. Night terror ordered. Watson grabs his shirt, refusing to move, which makes Night Terror say, Heh, okay, then stay, then he whispers.
He was being petted from his hair to his back in fine strokes while the three chatted among themselves Walton did not understand a word or hear them. every time he heard night terrors. His heartbeat was more calm, not racing, not frozen as ice.

If he were a normal person, He would almost be considered alive like a human or mortal. He was told the god of night terror has no heart, but here it was beating at a fine pace, and he was also breathtaking. Every sentence or so was also interesting to

He finally fell asleep in his lap and on his chest. He dreams of his family back home, free in the wilderness, camping, not worried about anything. They sang and danced, and they swam in a lake, all happy and full of life.

Until his dream, The world turned upside down, like it did back in real life.

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