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Waltson shivered when he heard footsteps close by. He could see him and

lowered his head more to Walton's level.

He begs and preys to be spared his life. and he curls into a small ball. He flopped over on his side, and tears fell from his face to the ground floor.

He closed his eyes, expecting the worst of the worst, only to find out the giant was staring at him, amused.

Waltson felt like the four eyes staring into his soul shivered when he lowered his spine.

The gain got closer.

Waltson screamed and yelled, Please don't hurt me!

The giant laughed historically. He picked Walton up by his back shirt and put him in a little bottled jar to take him to his lair.

There were holes on top of the jar for air to slide in and out at will. The jar was surrounded by a magical dusk of wind, and suddenly everything disappeared into total darkness.

The bit in the darkness Squinting his eyes carefully, he saw a bunch of stuff: gems, jewels, gold coins, slivers, and magical-looking artifacts.

He occurred in a storage containment or something or storage unit.

Whatever it is, who knows? How long will he be stuck there, and who knows what will happen to him?

He looked far and wide inside the foggy glass inside the jar.

Of course, there's nothing as far as I can see until the light shines upon him. I hadn't dug in to grab a giant silver coin.

and went back into darkness again. He was terrified. He didn't know where he was going. Why wasn't he killed like the others?

Have the giants actually answered his prayers, or will he be a later snack? Who knows what the scary thing is? Who knows how long he's been in there until it was brought out to the light to draw Twisted open with some giant fingers?

He was picked up and placed in a cage; it was gold, and it was small for a regular household. He could not squeeze through between the bars like he hoped he would.

Its place looks nice. It had a bed, a carpet, a desk with some books, some ink, and a notebook of food in a corner like a hamster food bowl, and water with it.

You're starting to wonder if you'll be treated like a pet or a guest to stay for now.

The giant spoke. It'll be fun to play with later. He took out a giant cigarette.

and started to smoke; the air filled with smoke. Thankfully, he occurred far enough away that Watson would not be anywhere near a smoke

The smoke disappeared to stop other fingers, and so did the cigarette.

yuck I don't understand why humans like this kind of stuff, and he coughed a little.

He looked around the home; it was like an ordinary home, but bigger, taller, and wider. There was a kitchen, a bedroom door, a bathroom, and what also seemed to be a living room, and then the desk where he occurred in his cage.

It would be no mistake if it were an ordinary household; it would have been really nice to visit and stay if it weren't for the situation.

It seems like the giant was holding in there when, when stopping about a bunch of blue orbs appear out of nowhere, he swipes them like if he were using a screen but more freely dimensional in 3D.

Watson was curious: was the galaxy truly a giant, not just some ordinary giant?

I mean, the powers were more remarkable and superior than anything anyone has ever seen before.

Boston wants to speak, but he catches his tongue and holds back. He has so many questions with so few answers.

Finally, the giant had the 3D illusion disappear and went up to Waltson. You intrigue me, human, in the last moments close to death. You still honour me.

What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about. Watson asked

The giant crept a smile on his face with sharp shark teeth and started laughing hysterically. You really don't know, do you? Giant asked Giant after chuckling some more.

Walston was even more confused than ever. He wondered what he meant. The first thing that came to mind was, can he read minds? And the second thing he guessed occurred—was it the prayer? And if so, how did he know?

Yes, I can read minds as well. I answered all my loyal followers' requests almost

You begged me to spare you, and so I listened. Like I should for someone like you.

Waltson gasps, knowing that he is a god, but not just any god; maybe he's the god.

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