anything right?

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Anything for your freedom, you say?

Nightterror smiled

Waltson shivered. Knowing what he could get him to do

The only thing he can do is hurt anyone or anything. That will be on his mind forever.

But hes also worried that maybe the way that made us look at him amused might mean

He pushed that thought aside, but a red blush crossed his whole face.

The giant assures him that he won't make him do such things.

Unless you want to, he licked his lips.

That made Walton have shivers sent down his spine. He looks away to try and hide the blush and freckles on his cheeks.

He has no courage to ask for any help for his problems in his lower half.

Nighterror thankfully shoved him a little too harshly back into his cage.

I was back at night, and terror leaned in to whisper. But it was still too loud for Walton.

When the ground jumped and the echos faded away, he felt alone and hopeless.

A butterfly was stuck inside, eating him inside out.

Well, at least what it feels like

He curled up into the ball one last time so he could fall over onto his side again. This time, his mind races with thoughts of unspeakable things and curiosity.

He did not cry, but his eyes were trying, but his mind was not. He wanted to sleep, but his body wanted to move and feel the warmth of his hands.

He wanted to feel the touch and warmth again.

The thrill that he felt when he was on the edge of dying and being eaten alive
In the mouth of a giant, it was a weird feeling.

He did not understand it, nor did he know if he would make his way out alive.

He secretly wanted to feel it again, but
Unsure of the end result will be

No, he knows that he will be exposed to stomach acids, and if not, the chewing of his sarp shark teeth can easily crush his bones or maybe drown inside his throat when being swollen down.

He shakes his head. Why is he thinking this way? This is not normal thinking.
But then again, he lives in a giant cage as a pet.

As a pet

He wonders why he was spared. He knows why, but why did it have to be him? It could have happened to anyone, right?

So why him? Just why?

He feels extra small when he is alone with his thoughts; he has nothing to distract himself with other than a few books.

He went to grab one and sat at his desk. He opened the book, which had nothing in it. He was confused.

He turned the next page to see words, but not in any human language he had seen before.

Apparently there was just one blank page for some reason, which is annoying.
What a waste of paper!

He tried going deeper into the book, only to see no pictures that could help him out in the next 100 pages. Then he gave up and picked another one, once again blank and gibberish.

The next book was worse than gibberish. It was cjilen scratched; it was inked and smudged; maybe it got wet or something or a misprint.

Whatever the case was, it did not matter because all the rest of the books end up like that gibberish.

So reading is not an option. What else can he do?

He picked up the last book that seemed to be a sketch book, but in disappointment, it ended up being a notebook.

He looked in the drawers to see an ink pen with a white, withered feather and an ink jar.

He craked his fingers and got the stuff out, ready to go. Opening the ink was hard to twist like a pickle jar, and it took a while to pop it open.

He dips the pen in ink only to find out

There was no ink?

He stood there with a kind face.

He runs his paces and decides to go to sleep.

He stumbles over to the bed across the other side of the cage.

He crawls into the bed sheets, covers himself as a caterpillar, and closes his eyes.

He skin-crawled because Pbed was not that great, but he was too tired to care, and after a few moments, he was out like a light.
The word turned around, and he glimpsed a little sight of night terror.

His face was soft and quiet, and he said nothing. Wallace closed his eyes again and covered his face with the blankets.

He felt daggers on his back from the four eyes of the giant, who stared at him like he was sinking deep into his soul.

Out of the darkness, he heard him say, We're going to have lots of fun tomorrow. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

He chuckles a little.

Waltson could not keep on hearing that, but like magic, he fell into a deep slumber.


Ok, so I don't know if I can ever write smut, but I like giving hints about it and teasing.

So sorry, this might have been a slow burn or no smoke. Thanks for understanding.

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