Chapter 30: It will hurt me!

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"What do you want now", taehyung said to the figure sitting on the couch.
"Taehyung have a seat ,it's your office", the voice replied. "Kai I'm telling you again I have taken you back to the company because of my mom otherwise I would have thrown you out of the korea remember that", taehyung said shouting.

"Calmdown why you are always angry", kai said with a smirk. "Tell me what you want and leave ", taehyung said rolling his eyes. "I don't want anything I just wanted to tell you I'm throwing a party cause soon i will be getting married and you know who is my fiancé?",kai said Smirking.

Taehyung's angre rise up. "Look I have nothing to do with your fiancé marry who ever you want to marry just leave my life and my wife's life", taehyung said. "Taehyung how can I leave your life we are family", kai said faking tears.

"Family my foot, if we were family you would have not ruin my life by taking her away from me", taehyung replied with angre.

"I didn't take her away she came to me remember and now we are getting married and you are invited to the party also the marriage", kai said and left the office. .

Taehyung shouted Letting his angre come out few tears were clearly visible in taehyung's eyes and red eyes, veins poking out chest was heavily breathing.
"Suzy why would you even do that was i that bad to you", taehyung said shouting and hit the glass table near the couch.

The glass table broke in half the glass shattered everywhere in the room. The glass piece made a huge cut on taehyung's hand and blood drawing from his palm to his elbow and down to the floor. He call the guard.
"Please clean all this by tomorrow and don't let anyone know about this", taehyung said with his cold voice to the security. He nodded and went to call the cleaner.

Taehyung drove back to the house. The cut still on his hand and blood drawing.


"Why is he not back yet", Jennie said looking into the mirror. "I can't even sleep because of this", Jennie said again going back to bed. She closed her eyes but couldn't sleep .All she can think about where he has gone what kind of work he is doing at this time and lot more.

She opened her eyes and door of her room opened. She saw taehyung with blood on his coat that was till his elbow and a huge cut of his palm and some small cuts on his back of the hand. Jennie's Eyes eye widen and she got up from the bed. "What happened to you", Jennie said moving towards him.

"I have told you to sleep why don't you listen to me", taehyung said in his stren voice making her flinch. "I couldn't sleep", Jennie said in her low voice.
"Come I will bandage you", Jennie said looking for a first aid kit. "No need I will just take a shower", taehyung said.

"Don't it will get infected", Jennie said making him sit on the bed. "Jennie I said no need", taehyung said in his cold voice. "Stop taehyung if something hurts you it hurts me too so shut up and let me do my work", Jennie said looking straight into his eyes. Taehyung's eyes soften and he looked at her while she was doing his bandage.

"It's gonna hurt a bit may i blow air on your wounds??", Jennie asked. Taehyung was still looking at her. Jennie rolled her lips such that she can blow the air. Taehyung whole attention was grabbed by her lips which was seeming more interesting than the wounds which were hurting.

"It's done", Jennie said but taehyung noticed a tear in her eyes. "Why are you crying", taehyung asked. Jennie rubbed her eyes so that tears won't be visible. "No I'm not", Jennie said smiling weakly.
"Don't fool me", taehyung said. "I told you na when you get hurt it hurts me too ", Jennie said keeping the first aid kit back to its place. Taehyung went behind her and back hugged her. Jennie gasped by his sudden action.

Taehyung lowered his head on Jennie's shoulder. His breath were touching Jennie's neck and shiver run to her whole body. His arms were resting on her waist and jennie felt ticklish.
"Taehyung", Jennie said. "Just let me stay like this for a moment", taehyung said with soft and warm voice.

Jennie kept her hands on taehyung's arms which were holding her waist.
Few minutes past they were still standing. "Jennie are you tired", taehyung asked slowing in her ears.
"Not at all stay as long as you want to stay", Jennie said smelling his strong manly scent mix with the strong perfume he use.

Taehyung breaths started getting heavy as he was leaning closer and closer to her neck. He softly put his lips on Jennie's neck kissing it softly. Jennie moans. "T-Taehyung ", Jennie said tighting her hand on taehyung's arm which were holding her. "Let's sleep it's getting late", taehyung said moving back.

Jennie turned around to see him and he was on the bed till now. " I want to kiss every part of your body Jennie but not now when you will be ready ", taehyung thought in his mind. Jennie also settled on the bed. "Is the wound hurting?", Jennie asked one late time. Taehyung pulled her close by her waist such that his and jennie's chest were touching each other. "No I got my medicine", taehyung said kissing her forehead.

Felling his warmth and peace in his arm Jennie and taehyung soon drifted to sleep.
Kai and Suzy are getting married???
What will happen when Jennie will know about this???
They both are actually getting close!!

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