Chapter 1: Gone

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Silently, the group had their way back to Wakanda. Steve had also carried back vision body to entrust to the Wakandans for a while. Okoye had spoken with the Queen, Ramonda, to ensure all the avenges had a place to rest as Steve had said they would return back to the compound the next morning. Aloisia and Natasha showered and climbed into bed into a haze. Al was exhausted, she hadn't slept properly in days, however she still couldn't get herself to fall asleep. She held tightly to her wife, resting her head on Natasha's chest and wrapping an arm around her waist.

Yet Natasha wasn't asleep either, processing what had happened. She was worried, for everyone, for the future. Eventually the two turned to each other, tears fell freely from Aloisias eyes. Natasha sat up, turning the small light on next to the bed. "Im sorry Natasha. I've failed. Im so sorry" Aloisia whispered, sobs ripping from her throat. Silent tears spilled from Natasha' own eyes.

"Aloisia, my love. Look at me" Natasha whispered, gently pulling Als face in front of her own. "This is not your fault. I saw you work your absolute hardest in fighting that monster. You didn't fail anyone-"

"I failed this planet and the universe exactly how i failed my own. And my hardest wasn't enough"

"Without you we would have all died before Thanos even got there. And Aloisia we all lost. Please don't be hard on yourself. There was nothing anyone could have done. I love you Aloisia. I know none of us will forgive ourselves but you don't have to place all the responsibly on yourself. We will make this right, however long it takes, we won't ever stop. Not until they're back. You didn't fail me nor did you fail anyone else. We wont fail because its not over yet"

"I love you Natasha" Aloisia said, kissing Nat on the forehead. Both women felt guilty for getting to have her other when so many others will have lost the people that they love the most. "I'm sorry I left you for so long" Aloisias eyes widen realising, "Oh God. Tony. Peter. Pepper" she turns to Natasha, "Clint, Yelena" Nat takes Als hand in her own.

"When we get back to the compound we can figure out if they're okay. A spaceship invaded earth so Tony and Peter got in and travelled to space according to Bruce. We dont know where they are" Aloisia nods slowly, "what happened with Thor?" Natasha asks.

Aloisia takes a deep breath as she begins to explain. Recounting how Odin died and Hela arrived, how they arrived on Sakaar and what happened to them. Explaining how they defeated Hela and how they fled Asgard. Then how Thanos attacked and travelling to Nidavellir. Natasha listens attentively to Aloisia. Holding the woman tight as they eventually drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

Not long after the women fall asleep, they wake. The remaining avengers trudge onto the Jet, thanking the Queen of Wakanda for all their help. Steve promises to remain in touch and Okoye offers all the help they may need as long as it's offered in return. Aloisia and Natasha hold hands on the jet the whole way back to the compound, barely moving. Al spares worried glances to Thor, who is waiting for his people to arrive on earth in their evacuation pods. Al had also directed a restless Steve to sit next to her. She smiled gently at him, thanking him for looking after Nat while she was a gone. The super soldier had smiled expressed how glad they all were that Aloisia was back.

The jet had landed and the group had entered the compound. Finding a tearful Pepper waiting for them. Pepper had ran up to Aloisia distressed. Al had wrapped her arms around the woman and looked around nervously at the other avengers. Waiting for any of them to hopefully speak up.

"Oh Al. I dont- Tony... he got on the spaceship. I hadn't- I dont know what to do Al. What if he's gone?" Aloisia holds Pepper tighter.

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