Clueless - Jake x Reader

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I let out a small sigh feeling the droplets of rain beat against my hand as I stretched it just far enough out to where I could see how bad it's raining. Yeah, there is no way I'm walking home in that. I silently thank the school for the small covering they have outside the front entrance as it seems I'll be waiting here for a while. I lean my head against a nearby pillar watching as the rain patters against the pavement, almost soothingly. Staring out into the rainy abyss, I fail to notice the approaching figure.

"Y/n?" A voice calls out that's all too familiar. I feel my face heat up not expecting anyone to still be on the school grounds, especially not my crush.

"Jake, what are you still doing here?" I ask, my hands subconsciously pulling at the end of my sweater. Out of all the people, I wouldn't have expected to see him here. Why is he still here?!?

He chuckles, making my heart skip a beat, "I just had to finish up some studying for a test I have tomorrow but shouldn't I be asking you that? Why are you still here?"

"Ah, well, you see," I say, trying to come up with an excuse not wanting to embarrass myself by saying that I forgot my umbrella but I can't come up with any. Without saying anything he carefully takes my hand and opens up his umbrella. I stare wide-eyed at the gesture, feeling my cheeks flush at the unexpected touch. He sends me a sweet smile before pulling me close so that we're both under the umbrella.

"Jake, what are you-"

"You forgot your umbrella, right?" he asks with a mischievous glint in his eyes making me sigh out quietly before nodding my head. He chuckles, giving my hand a soft squeeze causing my heart rate to increase at the small gesture.

"Then let me walk you home, hmm?" he requests, beginning to walk as one of his hands holds the umbrella while the other holds mine.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother," I say quietly, hearing the soft patter of rain hit the top of the umbrella as we make our way out into the parking lot.

"You're never a bother. Now which way?"


For most of the walk I couldn't muster up the confidence to say anything, still awestruck that this was happening to me of all people. I tried to hide my smile forming from this little moment I'll share with Jake not knowing if I'll ever have a moment like this again. But the small distance I seemed to have created under the umbrella is closed when Jake removes his hand from mine and drapes his arm around me.

"You're gonna get wet if you keep trying to distance yourself from me." he says with a soft chuckle that melted my heart.

"Thank you," I reply, feeling my cheeks burning up but hopefully since it's darker out now he won't notice. I glance up slightly to look up at Jake but quickly look away to see he's already looking down at me with his beautiful smile. Why is looking at me like that, smiling at me like that?! I can't help the increase in my heart beat when he looks at me that way.

"Why are you walking me all the way home?" The question manages to slip out of my lips without much thought before how rude it may have sounded, "not that I'm not grateful! I'm really happy you offered to walk me home- thankful, thankful I mean!"

"You're really cute, you know that?" he whispers into my ear, making my entire face heat up.

"I-I'm sorry?" I mumble out, as I look up to him to see him shaking his head with a big grin on his face.

"You're really that clueless, huh?" he says gently, pulling me closer to him if that was even possible.

I stop walking seeing as we're in front of my house now but can't help and look up at him utterly confused. "Clueless about what?"

He turns my body towards him and rests his hand against my cheek, brushing his thumb softly against it, "about this."

Before I have time to answer, his lips are against mine. They're so soft. But just as quickly as he kisses me, he pulls away with a giant grin. I try to come up with words but I just gape at him in shock feeling like my cheeks are on fire. Woah. His cute laughter in the background of my chaotic mind before his lips leave a gentle kiss against my forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says quietly, passing his umbrella into my hand before pulling another out of his pocket like a magic trick, "and feel free to forget your umbrella as many times as you want. I can always walk you home."

I stand in awe as Jake strolls down the sidewalk but not before turning back and throwing me a wink.

I think I'm in love.

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