Lame Love - Jungwon x Reader

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I stare at the paper in my hand containing the contents only meant for my crush, Yang Jungwon, that I was about to deliver to his locker but I coincidentally ran into my friend, Violet, on the way to put it in his locker. I sigh quietly to myself in disappointment from not being able to deliver the letter knowing I've missed the window of time in which he would be in one of his classes' right now. I mean would he really even care? It's not like he reads these anyways. But the singular thought seemed to feel like a knife poking at my heart, ready to cut it open from the idea of him not even bothering to read my letters. Does he really not read them?

I snap out of my thoughts when Violet begins to question me about the paper in my hand. I pause for a bit debating on whether or not I should tell her. Although we became friends recently I do trust her, for the most part. Maybe by telling her, I'll finally have someone to confide in about my crush.

"Well it's actually for my crush," I say barely above a whisper not wanting other people to hear even if the hallway was empty at this moment, you could say I was paranoid of others overhearing

"Like," she looks down at the paper in my hand and snickers to herself, "just a letter?"

"Yes," I say hesitantly, beginning to feel a sick sort of feeling in my gut.

"Let me get this straight," Violet says, continuing to laugh to herself at whatever was so funny while the sick feeling in my gut only seemed to grow, "you write letters to your crush once a week?"

I awkwardly chuckle, trying to ignore the thickening atmosphere between us, "yeah."

"Wow," she says bluntly, "that's really lame."

"Lame?" I question, feeling the little spark of hope to share this personal part of me with her disappear completely at her choice of words.

"Yeah, I mean," she stares at me with a look of disgust, "who would even read or be interested in that stuff these days? Girl, we don't live in the 1960s or something."

My mind becomes blank hearing her words not knowing what to say when all I feel is hurt. Each word she spews feels like a dagger to the heart, jabbing deeper and deeper each time. My breathing becomes uneven and I know it won't be long before the tears stinging my eyes will fall. I chuckle quietly and crumble up the paper in my hand tightly to help distract my mind, "you're right. It really is lame, isn't it?"

"Mhm," she agreed with another giggle that felt like it kept ringing in my ears as if continuously mocking me, "see you in class?"

"See you," I manage to get out but keep my eyes on the floor where they had been staring at the letter that now is just a crinkly mess in my hands. Her footsteps echo throughout the hall as she leaves to go back to class but all I can do is just stand still. Finally hearing her close the door of our nearby classroom is when I let the tears I've held back all this time be set free. I watch with quiet choked back sobs as my tears rush down my face onto the floor below me. I let out a shaky sigh and dropped the letter with my wasted tears knowing the letter itself was a waste as well.

She's right. I should've never even written these letters to him. It was just a waste of time. A lame waste of time.

Jungwon's POV

This is it. I'm going to figure out who has been leaving me those sweet letters.

I carefully peek my head around the corner where I hoped whoever was leaving me the letters would be but instead I see my classmate, Y/n, hiccuping back cries with tears running down her face. I quickly leave my spot where I was hiding, not caring about the one who's leaving me the letters and instead focused on the girl who's hurting in front of me right now. Why is she so upset? She's one of the most cheerful people I've met, I don't like seeing her so sad. She always manages to put a smile on my face, so why has someone taken away hers?

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