Academic Rival - Jake x Reader

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I clench my teeth in annoyance at the sight of the one person I couldn't stand, Sim Jaeyun or better known as Jake. No matter how handsome he was, nothing bothered me more than his cocky behavoir. He thinks everything is a competition, even if he thinks he's already better than everyone including me, his number one competitor. And the more I think about it, the more it pisses me off. I ball up my fists in frustration knowing I'll have to go up to the bulletin board where he is now and see the scores that are posted for the recent exams. I already know he's at the top. The thought stops my feet from moving any closer to the board. That's right, he is at the top. So there's no point in even going up there just for him to rub it in my face. I smile at the thought knowing I won't have to deal with him for today and make my way to walk past the board. But when I'm almost to the exit doors so that I can head home, a hand suddenly grabs mine and stops me.

"Y/n!" Jake beams, pulling me towards the board forcefully with his normal arrogant smirk, "the scores came out, and it's your lucky day! You're the score right below mine."

I groan in response to his remark and pull my hand out of his grip without a second thought, just wanting to get out of here as fast as possible. I give him a fake grin with my normal sarcasm to his bragging, "so glad to see you've beat me again."

"Well it isn't that hard," Jake says nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders, leaning against the nearby wall sending me a wink that made my blood boil. I don't know how he did it but he managed to push all my buttons in just one go. I didn't want to engage in our normal banter knowing all it will be is me being pissed off more as Jake just stands there acting as if there's not a care in the world. I can't be around him anymore.

"Now that's out of the way," I say, gesturing to the board and giving him a small wave when he looks back over at me to humor a goodbye to him. I turn around quickly after the fake friendly gesture to leave finally, "I'll be on my way."

"So soon?" He asks with a hint of confusion that makes stop for a second and turn back to him, caught off guard by the question. I didn't expect him to even throw that type of question my way, thinking he'd be off celebrating his win soon. But in that one miniscule moment of looking at him, he actually looks so cute that it almost distracts me from my mission to get out of here. But it doesn't distract me enough to make me question any intention of leaving, knowing if I stay longer I may snap at him. What am I even thinking?

"Yeah," I say with fake sympathy laced in my voice and pout at him jokingly, "sorry but sadly I have better things to do than having you tell me how you beat me for the 100th time."

I turn to leave again but Jake moves faster than I can take another step. I bump into his chest with a gasp not expecting him to block my path, "what the hell, Jake?"

I keep my eyes on his chest, refusing to make eye contact with him, feeling as if engaging with him more is just rubbing in my defeat once again. And the small thought in the back of my mind that I might be convinced to stay longer in this stupid argument if I did. He sighs in annoyance with a click of his tongue at my lack of interest in what he has to say. It's not like he won't just be saying the same old nonsense.

Although his hands suddenly resting on my shoulders catches me off guard once again. I struggle against him trying to get out of his grasp, feeling my heart begin to beat faster but his grip is just strong enough to keep me in place. Why is he keeping me from leaving? What's so important that he can't brag about it to me later? Ugh, what does he want?

"Seriously, Jake! What are you doing-"

But my words die off my tongue seeing multiple students glancing our way in curiosity seeing the two biggest rivals so close. My hands begin to sweat, feeling self conscious with so many people watching this scene unfold and not knowing what Jake's thinking at this moment is making it ten times worse. My mind begins to spin at thoughts of all the gossip that might spread from this and the fact that Jake is one of the most popular guys in school. Just what is Jake doing? Is he even thinking? Especially when he knows he has a fan club of girls who might go crazy if they hear a rumor about us.

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