My Annoying Yet Attractive Neighbor - Heeseung x Reader

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I mutter out a string of curses hearing the blaring music from the apartment next door and know exactly who is the cause of it. I'm so tired of this, I swear it's like he's doing this on purpose at this point. I try to ignore it by putting on my noise canceling headphones yet even that couldn't hide the vibrations of the floor boards from how loud the music boomed. I had left multiple notes under his door weekly to try and get him to stop before reporting him to the landlord but nothing seems to work. The patience I had has slowly dwindled down into nothing at this moment after everything. My mind quickly lingering back to this morning when we had ironically gotten into the same elevator and he pushed all the right buttons to get me to snap.

*This Morning*

I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw his figure enter the elevator, hoping and praying that somebody else would walk through the elevator doors but to my disappointment, no one else did. I don't even look over at him to know he's already staring at me with that stupid teasing smirk of his. A soft chuckle leaving him at my clearly displeased expression at his presence made my skin crawl in irritation.

"You think this is funny?" I snap at him and finally look over at him, causing him to smirk a little in my direction with another short chuckle.

"Just a little," he says, running a hand through his annoyingly messy yet attractive hair, "I mean come on- it isn't that big a deal."

"You've got to be kidding me," I mumble under my breath but he catches it and somehow in that short second manages to move even closer to me. When did he get so close?

"I'm not hurting anybody," he states matter of factly but it didn't mean he wasn't annoying someone, specifically me.

"Sure, maybe not but," I retorted, leaning my back against the wall of the elevator, hoping that this ride ends sooner rather than later, so I didn't have to see that smug look on his face, "that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. There are other people in this apartment complex who would appreciate it if you lower the volume of that damn music."

"People in the apartment, meaning you?" he asks with a cute tilt of his head and somehow distracting me from the fact that he just took a step closer, essentially trapping me between his body and the wall. A small smirk lingers on his face as he rests his arm against the wall behind me, "because I haven't seemed to receive any other complaints, except yours."

I could feel heat rising to my cheeks at the close proximity and I was about to reply when the elevator dinged indicating that we had arrived at the lobby. He smoothly stood up and threw me a wicked grin that made my blood begin to boil as he casually strolled out of the elevator. I grumble out a few choice words seeing his figure get further and further away. I let the elevator doors close, going to the basement of the building to get my laundry as I had originally planned without the visit of his unwelcome presence. Yet in the last moment of the doors closing he turns to me, giving a little wave nonchalantly as if we're the best of the friends and it cuts my last thread of patience.

I clench my fist at the memory of his cocky attitude and remove my headphones with a newfound determination, "this ends tonight."

It doesn't take long until my fist is knocking continuously on his apartment door trying to make it heard over the blasting music. There isn't any response for a minute or what feels long as the music continues to blare. I'm about to knock another time but the door swings open unexpectedly to Heeseung standing there looking a little confused but with that smug expression of his nonetheless.

"Where are you playing your music from?" I say marching into his apartment, brushing past him and he closes the door with a deep chuckle that sends a pleasant chill down my spine. This is not the time to get distracted. Now where is he playing the music from?

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